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Manning e Snowden saíram com forte condenação de Donald Trump vazando informações classificadas para a Rússia. Universidade classificada como "muito intolerante à liberdade de expressão" combate a acusação ao proibir o estudo e todos os envolvidos. Preocupado de que os russos não consomem álcool suficiente no mês de março, a Igreja Ortodoxa da Rússia faz o grupo St. Grassroots pedir "The Million Regulators March" em Washington, apoiado por todos os que temem a perda de seus melhores, dizendo-lhes o que fazer. Será que o groundprog ficará assustado com suas próprias sombras e esconde - ou haverá outra temporada de protestos insanos? Trump assina uma ordem executiva fazendo os monumentos nacionais da Califórnia e Nova York; Os residentes têm dois dias para desocupar. A marcha das mulheres contra o fascismo completou as mortes do que o esperado. Os historiadores feministas descobrem horríveis campos de concentração, onde as chamadas "donas de casa" foram forçadas a viver vidas autênticas que se afundavam nas cozinhas. Dicionário do futuro: o aquecimento global foi um popular jogo de simulação por computador, onde a única maneira de ganhar não era jogar. Hillary sugere contrariar "falsas novidades" com o jornal do governo intitulado "Verdade" "Pravda" para falantes russos. Milhões de votos não contabilizados encontrados na máquina de votação privada de Hillary em sua casa de banho Chappaqua. Depois de anos de tentativa e erro, a CIA finalmente conseguiu com a técnica de "esperar" para Fidel Castro. Com medo de uma presidência Trump "perigosa", os manifestantes queimam preventivamente a América até o chão. Hillary Clinton culpa o vídeo do YouTube por inesperada e espontânea revolta eleitoral que impediu sua inevitável mudança para a Casa Branca. Aumento repentino do nível do mar explicado por lágrimas desproporcionalmente grandes derramadas por cientistas do clima após a vitória eleitoral de Trump. O diretor do FBI, Comey, ficou satisfeito depois de receber o Prêmio Nobel de Leituras de Velocidade em uma semana. Após o fracasso do furacão Matthew em devastar a Flórida, ativistas se reúnem no Estado da Luz do Sol e destroem os sinais da Trump manualmente. The Evolution of Dissent: White House edita a transcrição de Orlando para dizer que o atirador prometeu fidelidade à NRA e ao Partido Republicano. Após o discurso de Okie-Doke de Obama, Okie-Doke dispara; NASDAQ: a fórmula de bebê armada ameaça o escritório Planned Parenthood; A ACLU exige investigação federal sobre Gerber. Enquanto Obama instrui sua administração a se preparar para a transição presidencial, a Trump compra preferencialmente as teclas 'T' para os teclados da Casa Branca. O candidato não presidencial Paul Ryan prometeu não concorrer à presidência em uma nova campanha não-presidencial não-publicitária. Trump sugere a criação de "base de dados muçulmana"; Obama simbolicamente protesta destruindo os logs de convidados da Casa Branca começando que o Irã quebra sua promessa mindinho de não apoiar o terrorismo; O Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos promete uma resposta estratégica de rock-paper-scissors. O filho de Che Guevara espera que o comunismo cubano esfregue nos EUA, propõe uma longa lista de pessoas que o governo deve executar primeiro. Martin O'Malley cai fora da corrida depois do Caucus de Iowa; Nação chocada com a revelação, ele já se candidatou à presidência. A campanha de Hillary nega acusações de provas de armas de fogo em seu s, afirma que eles contêm apenas evidências de armas fumantes. Obama deixa de demitir o Congresso dos EUA ao perceber a dificuldade de montar outro grupo de homens simbólicos tão atraentes. No esforço para contribuir com paixões selvagens para a jihad violenta, a Casa Branca exorta os proprietários de armas a manter suas armas de fogo cobertas de burkas de armas. Os democratas prometem queimar o país sobre a declaração de Ted Cruz: "A maioria esmagadora de criminosos violentos são democratas". A tendência da Rússia de assinar bombas caiu no ISIS com "This is for Paris" encontrou resposta na tendência da administração Obama de assinar bombas americanas com "Return to sender". Pesquisadores universitários de apropriação cultural desistiram da descoberta de que suas pesquisas são apropriadas de uma cultura que criou universidades. Os arqueólogos descobrem os restos do que Barack Obama descreveu como processo de triagem de imigração sem precedentes, não-americano e não-quem-nós somos em Ellis Island. Os protestos de Mizzou levam a declarar todo o estado como um "espaço seguro", mudando o lema de Missouri para "Não me mostre estado". A nova missão da NASA em busca do racismo, do sexismo e da desigualdade econômica no espaço profundo sofre de lutas de raça, gênero e classe sobre o orçamento de vários bilhões de dólares. Os esquadrões de execução do progresso da faculdade emitem gráficos de humor esquemáticos para que os alunos saibam se uma piada pode ser espontaneamente ria ou se os regulamentos exigem outra ação. O ISIS abre uma linha direta de suicídio para adolescentes dos EUA deprimidos pelas mudanças climáticas e outros cenários progressivos do dia do maldito dia. O condado de Virginia para fechar as escolas após o professor pede aos alunos que escrevam "morte para a América" ​​em árabe. O ISIS lança um novo vídeo, ainda mais bárbaro, em um esforço para recuperar o manto da Planned Parenthood. Impressionado com a classificação stellar da Fox News durante os debates do GOP, a CNN usará a mesma fórmula sobre candidatos democratas perguntando perguntas difíceis e apontadas sobre os republicanos. Papa indignado pelo "capitalismo sem restrições" de Planned Parenthood, exige uma redistribuição igual de partes de bebê para cada um de acordo com suas necessidades. Os cidadãos de Plutão protestam contra a vigilância do governo dos EUA sobre o seu planetoide e suas luas com o New York Times. John Kerry propõe um período de espera de 3 dias para todos os países terroristas que tentam adquirir armas nucleares. Polícia de Chicago tentando identificar a bandeira que causou nove assassinatos e 53 feridos na cidade no fim de semana passado. A pesquisa financiada pelo Estado comprova a existência de Partículas de Agressão Quântica em Heteron Hadron. Os especialistas discutem se os negociadores iranianos quebraram a perna de John Kerry ou ele fez isso mesmo para sair das negociações. Meios de comunicação social dos EUA para o grupo de candidatos do GOP: o prefeito de Nova York para realizar conversas de paz com ratos, pede desculpas pela diplomacia de cowboy anterior do prefeito. A China lança um objeto espacial em forma de cubo com uma mensagem para alienígenas: a verdade é uma variável deduzida, subtraindo "o que é" do que deve ser ". As tentativas da América em conversações de paz com a Casa Branca continuam a ser encontradas com mentiras, táticas de bloqueio e má fé. DELETE é o novo RESET. Charlie Hebdo recebe o prêmio Islamophobe; os cartunistas não puderam ser alcançados para comentar devido a suas mortes inexplicáveis ​​e ilógicas. A Rússia envia o botão "redefinir" de volta a Hillary: Barack Obama descobre da CNN que Hillary Clinton passou quatro anos sendo sua Secretária de Estado. Se Obama tivesse uma loja de conveniência, pareceria Obama Express Food Market. Estudo revela uma falta impressionante de diversidade racial, gênica e econômica entre os homens brancos da classe média. Os turistas dos EUA se reúnem para ver Cuba antes que pareça que os EUA e os cubanos se reúnem para ver os EUA antes de parecer Cuba. White House descreve os ataques à Sony Pictures como "hacking espontâneo em resposta ao vídeo ofensivo zombando do Juche e do seu profeta". A CIA responde aos pedidos de transparência dos democratas ao liberar o corte do diretor do Certificado de Nascimento do Making of Obama. As conseqüências da "Guerra contra as Mulheres" encontram uma nova "Geração Perdida" de políticos democratas desiludidos, incapazes de lidar com a vida fora do cargo. A aquisição republicana do Senado é um mandato claro do povo americano para o presidente Obama governar por ordens executivas. A enfermeira Kaci Hickox diz com raiva aos jornalistas que ela não mudará seus relógios para o horário de verão. Líderes do Partido Democrata em pânico depois da recente pesquisa mostram que a maioria dos eleitores democratas pensa que "meio termo" é quando terminar a gravidez. Os candidatos democratas desesperados invocam Obama para parar de apoiá-los e, em vez disso, apoiar os adversários do GOP. Ebola Czar emite um plano quinquenal com quotas obrigatórias de infecções por Ebola por cada estado com base nas preferências de voto. Fatos divertidos sobre as línguas mundiais: países africanos para proibir todos os vôos dos Estados Unidos porque "Obama é incompetente, isso nos assusta". Polêmica do Prêmio Nobel da Paz: Hillary não foi nomeada apesar de ter feito ainda menos do que Obama para merecer. Obama pisa caneta e telefone em Putin; A Europa oferece suporte com canetas poderosas e telefones de membros da OTAN. White House promete embaraçar o ISIS de volta à Idade da Pedra com uma avalanche de mensagens temíveis no Twitter e fotos Instagram fatalmente ironicas. Obama promete que o ISIS nunca levantará sua bandeira no décimo oitavo buraco. Elian Gonzalez deseja que ele tenha chegado ao U. Obama desenha "linha azul" no Iraque depois que Putin tirou seu lápis vermelho. Acusações de parentesco com o inimigo deixam o sargento. Bergdahl com apenas duas opções: Jay Carney preso em linha atrás de Eric Shinseki para deixar a Casa Branca; tempo de espera estimado de 15 min a 6 semanas. Jay Carney diz que descobriu que Obama descobriu que ele descobriu que Obama descobriu que ele descobriu Mumbai o último escândalo da administração Obama sobre a notícia. Obama retalia contra Putin ao proibir os funcionários federais sindicalizados de encontrar meninas russas quentes online durante o horário de trabalho. Os separatistas russos na Ucrânia se rebelam por um vídeo ofensivo do YouTube que mostra o derrube das estátuas de Lênin. Obama usa caneta e telefone para cancelar a conta Netflix da Putin. Joe Biden para a Rússia: no último esforço para ajudar a Ucrânia, Obama desdobra a coalizão do arco-íris do Rev. Jackson para a Criméia. Mardi Gras na Coréia do Norte: a política externa de Obama funciona: os EUA oferecem solução militar para a crise da Ucrânia: Putin anexa a praia de Brighton para proteger os russos étnicos no Brooklyn, Obama apela à ONU e à UE para obter ajuda. Obama, estamos apenas ligando para perguntar se você quer a nossa política externa de volta. Os s estão aqui mesmo conosco, e eles também estão se perguntando. Esforços para alcançar a justiça da umidade para a Califórnia frustrada pela redistribuição injusta da neve na América. O autor feminista bate o casamento gay: a campanha de Beverly Hills se aquece entre Henry Waxman e Marianne Williamson sobre a crescente diferença de renda entre milionários e bilionários em seu distrito. Kim se torna líder mundial, alimenta tio aos cães; Obama come cachorros, se torna líder mundial, América chora tio. Líder norte-coreano executa tio próprio para falar sobre Obamacare na festa de Natal da família. A Casa Branca contrata o intérprete forex de Mandela da esquizofrênica a tempo parcial para ajudar a vender a Obamacare. Kim Jong Un executa seu próprio "tio louco" para evitar que ele arruine outro Natal familiar. A OFA admite que seu conselho para ativistas da área de dar Obamacare Talk nos intervalos de tiro foi uma má idéia. O presidente resolve a debacle de Obamacare com o pedido executivo declarando todos os americanos igualmente saudáveis. Comunidade dos Bovinos indignada por flatulência vindo de Washington DC. Obama não tinha conhecimento de que ele havia sido reeleito até ele ler sobre isso no jornal local na semana passada. Problemas de servidor no HealthCare. A NSA marca o National Best Friend Day com anúncio oficial: Dizzy com sucesso, Obama renomeia seu mandato de saúde extremamente popular para a HillaryCare. Se você pudesse completar o formulário ObamaCare on-line, não era um site de governo legítimo; Você deve denunciar fraude online e alterar todas as suas senhas. Obama autoriza o uso da espingarda de dois barris do vice-presidente Joe Biden para disparar algumas explosões na Síria. DNC lança a figura de ação "Carlos Danger"; procede a financiar uma instituição de caridade que ajuda os sobreviventes da Guerra Republicana sobre as Mulheres. FISA tribunal rubberstamps declaração negando seu retrato como selo de borracha do governo. Mary Landrieu D-LA pode ver o Canadá a partir de Dakota do Sul. IRS Mumbai contra festas de chá causada pelo vídeo anti-imposto do YouTube que insultou sua fé. O escritório de Gosnell em Benghazi invadiu o IRS: depois que o cemitério de Arlington rejeita a oferta para enterrar o bombardeiro de Boston, a igreja de Westboro Babtist dá um passo na frente do gramado premium. Pode o Papa Francis possivelmente limpar a burocracia do Vaticano e bancar sem culpar a administração anterior? Michelle Obama elogia o ataque de fim de semana por adolescentes de Chicago como uma boa maneira de queimar calorias e ficar saudável. Esta Páscoa, Obama exorta seus súditos a pintar o sangue de cordeiro acima das portas, a fim de evitar o seqüestrador. Casa Branca para crianças americanas: Sequestrador causa demissões entre galinhas que colocam ovos de Páscoa; Coelhinhos de Páscoa do salário sindical a serem substituídos por Chupacabras mexicanos. Michelle Obama anuncia a tão aguardada fusão de Hollywood e do Estado. Joe Salazar defende o direito das mulheres a serem estupradas em um ambiente sem armas: o Kremlin deixa de avisar não ao meteoro de Putin, a não ser que seja bêbado. O Japão oferece para ampliar o guarda-chuva nuclear para cobrir U. Feministas organizam um bilhão de mulheres para protestar contra a opressão masculina com mil bilhões de danças. Preocupado com o número crescente de mortos, o Talibã oferece para enviar conselheiros de paz para Chicago. Karl Rove põe fim à festa do chá com a nova estratégia dos republicanos para democratas visando perder as eleições. Respondendo ao ceticismo público, o presidente Obama autoriza ataques de drones ilimitados em todos os alvos do skeet em todo o país. Skeet Ulrich nega as alegações de que havia sido baleado pelo presidente, mas considera mudar seu nome para 'Armadilhas'. White House lança novas e emocionantes fotos de Obama de pé, sentado, olhando pensativo e até respirando dentro e fora. Para provar que ele é sério, Obama elimina proteção de guarda armada para presidente, vice-presidente e suas famílias; estabelece Zonas livres de armas em seu lugar. Departamento de Estado para enviar estudantes universitários para a China como garantia de obrigações de dívida dos EUA. O presidente emite ordens executivas proibindo falésias, tetos, obstruções, estatísticas e outras noções que nos impedem de avançar e subir. Temendo o pior, o governo Obama proíbe o fã para evitar que seja atingido por certos objetos. Meek herdar a Terra, não pode pagar impostos estaduais. Bigfoot encontrado em Ohio, misteriosamente não votando por Obama. À medida que a oficina do Papai Noel se encontra em bancarrota, o Fed oferece resgate em troca do controle da lista "travessura e legal". New York imam propõe forex Saul Alinsky como o profeta da religião do último dia. Solução pacífica do Imam Rauf: Obama freqüenta o serviço da igreja, adora-se. Obama propõe a loteria nacional "Win The Future"; produto da nova WTF Powerball para financiar mais gastos governamentais. É uma pena que uma família possa ser despedaçada por algo tão simples como um pacote de ursos polares. Obama chama as novas reduções de impostos nos impostos no código tributário. O teleprompter de Obama infeliz com o Twitter da Casa Branca: o Comitê de Redução de Regulamentação de Obama considera que a Constituição dos EUA é uma estrutura desatualizada cara que regulam ineficientemente o governo federal. Respondendo aos tiroteios de Oslo, Obama declara o cristianismo "Religião da Paz", elogia "cristãos moderados", promete enviar um para o espaço. O think tank conservador apresenta crianças ao capitalismo com o livro de imagens pop-up "The Road to Smurfdom". Al Gore propõe combater o aquecimento global extraindo revestimentos de prata de nuvens na atmosfera terrestre. Obama refuta as acusações de que ele não responde ao sofrimento das pessoas: Obama lamenta que o governo dos EUA não tenha fornecido a sua mãe contraceptivos gratuitos quando estava na faculdade. Obama felicita Putin pelo resultado da eleição em Chicago. O cubo do povo se dá a medalha de Hero of Socialist Labor no reconhecimento rbi continuou o conselho de especialistas fornecido ao governo Obama ajudando a moldar suas políticas nacionais e estrangeiras. Enragados por acusações de que estão fazendo uma oferta da Obama, os líderes da mídia exigem instruções da Casa Branca sobre como responder. Obama culpa as Olimpíadas anteriores pelo fracasso em vencer nesta Olimpíada. Slogan progressivo "Devemos ser mais como a Europa" mais popular entre os membros do Partido Nazista Americano. Jesus salva, eu apenas gasto. Os anarquistas planejam, agendam, sincronizam e executam uma campanha coordenada contra todos os itens acima. Secretário Forex Energy Steven Chu: Administração de Obama que executa cupões de alimentos na fronteira com o México em uma operação com o nome de código "Fat And Furious". Paquistão explode em protesto pela nova atualização do Adobe Acrobat; 17 acrobatas locais mortos. IOTW Mumbai Terry Colon O relatório final Professor Kurgman kathy blog FAQster BestObamaFacts. Reedicione seus amigos, familiares e colegas de trabalho! Vitaly Painting - New York Online Sale Vestidos de noiva baratos na ViViDress no Reino Unido. Biblioteca Obama presidencial pessoal para o lar Se os fatos não se encaixam Trumpsters Comecem a Destruição de Outra Empresa: Se Obama fosse Jesus: Cartazes soviéticos de prevenção de acidentes: A história atrasada Você sabe que está gastando muito tempo no Cube quando eu me mudo para o sulco do Diretor do Povo! Mercadoria de membros somente O primeiro dia de ação de graça: a versão de Korrekt e a apimentação: os clássicos revisados ​​CAPITAÇÃO: Obama colocando a "diversão" de volta em 'funeral' Anúncios irritantes que vão para o fracasso: Obama escavou o buraco com a picareta do estilo Trotsky Quando a teoria atende a realidade Obama Points Gun At Audiences CAPTION: Obama o Ataque Afirmativo Hurdle Jumper Legenda: Sandra Fluke's Dorm Room. Sergei, o Colluder russo explica exatamente como os russos coludiram para fazer a colusão russa. Pela primeira vez, estamos aprendendo sobre a Operação Covfefe, com o nome do herói popular russo, Yuri Covfefe, que era conhecido por ter poderes sobrenaturais para as eleições de influência estrangeira. Poor Me é uma revista dedicada a pessoas que se vêem como vítimas. Leia a nova edição do Trump-Comey - o problema mais grosso até à data. Desafios de ser uma rainha do drama na era de Trump. Março contra o fascismo termina com as mortes do que o esperado Hillary às vítimas: De acordado para quebrar em um único passo. Top 10 métodos para fazer com que o mundo se sinta culpado e pedir desculpas LeBron James precisa de um dia sem pessoas brancas: Comey, 56, demonstra a boneca onde temia Trump iria tocá-lo. Com um golpe dramático de brilho e forte instinto jornalístico, ou talvez uma preguiça absoluta, decidimos começar pelas costas. Aqui está o que encontramos. O hospital permanece superior a dois dias, exigindo cânceres e lâmpadas fornecidas pelo paciente. Os co-pagamentos são agora rastreados como um índice de investimento de Wall Street. Meio do Aborto-terças-feiras nas lojas Family Dollar em todos os lugares. Os programas de almoço escolar devem incluir as vinhas verdes da Soylent. Como um membro da classe hetero Christian de classe masculina branca, meus povos governaram o mundo por muito tempo. É aconselhável que eu e a nossa gente conheçam nossos próprios remédios e aceitemos nossa rejeição em troca da promoção da classe da vítima. A única coisa que meus povos podem fazer para aliviar nossas dores merecidas é sacrificar nosso lugar com vontade e ansiedade. Devemos louvar vocalmente os oprimidos, admitir nossos pecados e aceitar nossos ataques. Quando somos ordenados a deixar nossos campi por causa da nossa brancura, devemos fazê-lo com um sorriso. Quando nos lembrarmos do nosso privilégio, devemos aceitá-lo com uma lágrima. A igualdade perante a lei não é o objetivo. Lady Justice não é cega, camarada. Seus olhos estão abertos e suas balas agora são inclinadas de acordo. Esse é o "ideal democrático" para o qual agora devemos viver. No início desta manhã, o presidente Trump desafiou a nação a descobrir o verdadeiro significado de "covorefe". Apenas algumas fotos e manchetes: um estudo acadêmico de pesquisadores da Brunel University London avaliou os homens, observando a altura, o peso, a força geral do rbi e a circunferência do bicep, rbi com os seus pontos de vista sobre a redistribuição da riqueza e a desigualdade de renda. Quando eu morava em Nova York, fui comprar uma jaqueta de microfibra de aparência moderna, adequada para um clima legal. Visitei uma dúzia de lojas de moda em Manhattan, tentando uma variedade de belas aparências Casacos. Nenhum deles me encostou no peito. Mesmo que eu estivesse no departamento para fechá-los no meu peito, não conseguiria mover meus braços. O fóssil de 6 pés de comprimento revela que o extinto homem adiantado da Inglaterra possuía dois grandes testículos trabalhando , o que rompe todas as teorias modernas sobre as origens dos residentes de hoje das Ilhas Britânicas. O empresário mais conhecido do mundo, o presidente de turnê, mostrou que quando se trata de imóveis, ninguém rbi o Trumpster . O presidente se encontrou brevemente com o papa Francis, que Trump descreveu como "um homem muito, muito bom, muito hospitaleiro", antes de concordar com um preço para o Vaticano. Os assuntos discutidos pelos dois líderes incluíram o ambiente do departamento, a paz mundial, a tolerância religiosa e os valores das propriedades. Ele fez uma oferta, mas você sabe como são as ofertas, ele começou baixo e eu comecei alto ", disse Trump à mídia credenciada logo depois. Você odeia Donald Trump? É seu sonho de toda a vida destruir sua presidência? Você mora por nada? Estes dias? Você está procurando por um trabalho flexível que requer pouco esforço, permitindo que você seja tão escandaloso como você quer? Você gosta de jogar coisas na parede e vê-lo deslizar para o chão deixando uma trilha de limo? Então, a mídia convencional os pontos de venda, especialmente o New York Times e o Washington Post, gostariam de lhe oferecer uma posição como FONTE ANÓNIMA! A Universidade de Harvard escreveu um novo código de vestimenta que define laços, um acessório de vestido masculino tradicional, como símbolo da opressão, do chauvinismo e Discurso de odião. Komrades, fiz essa pequena vid onde Ragnar Lothbrok conhece o futuro do pesadelo de seu povo que é a Suécia do século 21. Não tem grandes spoilers do show "Vikings". Por milhares de anos, desde o final do período Idade do gelo, trabalhadores internacionais se reuniram em suas cavernas no dia de maio para organizar, protestar e representar. Sentaram-se em torno de fogueiras cantando slogans aprovados pelo partido e denunciando U. Todos os anos, a mudança da Verdade atual exigia diferentes slogans, que foram prontamente fornecidos às massas por este Glorioso Órgão do Partido. E esse ano não é diferente. Veja a lista mais atual, atualizada e expandida de slogans para o dia de maio um dia triste hoje. O clima do povo Mumbai em Denver e Colorado Springs hoje teve que ser cancelado por causa da neve. Exijo uma investigação do Congresso. Certamente Trump concorreu com os russos para cortar nosso clima para que aqueles de nós do lado da Verdade, da Justiça e do Caminho Socialista parecem ruins. Explosão de inverno Colocando protestos climáticos no gelo em Colorado Fearless Girl tornou-se um pouco arrogante desde que ela se levantou para o touro de Wall Street - esse símbolo de otimismo financeiro e prosperidade. Sua busca por outros ícones que ela pode ameaçar com o olhar fixo e a bravata do departamento está levando-a em uma excursão mundial. Em 22 de abril, e o battlecry do Dia da Terra retumbando através dos cânions de nossas metrópoles, a Ciência marchará na primeira fila! Forex Press está fora com um novo livro que ensina aos filhos os princípios de Karl Marx com contos de fadas. O cabelo das axilas da menina é especialmente perturbador. Eu entendo que deve ser um aceno para o feminismo, e muito longe de mim ditar regras de higiene corporal a qualquer mulher e seus parceiros conselheiros. A razão pela qual é perturbadora é porque as meninas não têm cabelo de axila. Então, os autores do livro nunca tiveram filhos e esqueceram sua própria infância, ou são pervertidos que fantasiam sobre um mundo onde pequenas meninas têm axilas ou onde mulheres adultas com cabelo de axila se olham, se vestem e se comportam como garotinhas e quebram coisas eles não entendem ou não vão entender. Em nós dissemos ao mundo que "Nós só temos dez anos para salvar o planeta. Então, durante a temporada de eleições, nosso Santo Profeta que nunca foi errado, o nome de Al Gorski Muslim: Então, inprophet al-goreeza emitiu outra fatwa Você pode ser como muitos americanos, e não tem certeza do que você deveria estar indignado e de qual lado escolher. Mas espere mais mumbai! Quando sentir-se desencadeado! Qual lado escolher! Quando escolher o outro lado! Como desabafar sua raiva justa! Rbi to Vá para t-shirts e cartazes de correspondência! Função progressiva de calendário de protesto de mídia social! A United Airlines não pode ser batida, mesmo se você se sentar. Anteriormente, as companhias aéreas eram obrigadas a pagar aos passageiros quatro vezes o preço do ingresso se fossem mais de 4 horas tarde, mas o United agora tem um batedor de negócios. Se eles precisam de um assento de passageiro, eles simplesmente os vencerão e os arrastrarão do avião. Desta forma, eles mantêm os custos baixos para as pessoas pequenas, enquanto chuta os dentes de uppity, fantasia Médicos. Um imigrante soviético é o Por que o Ocidente está no caminho da autodestruição Tears of Social Justice Warriors IVANKA TRUMP BUSINESS SAVVY Habilidades empresariais apresentadas Agora que o perfume da Ivanka Trump viu uma explosão de vendas devido, de todas as coisas, a lojas de varejo removendo a marca de suas prateleiras , A Sra. Trump procurou incorporar ainda mais liberais irritados em sua estratégia de negócios. Os varejistas não consideraram o fato de que a grande maioria das mulheres liberais não gostava de cheirar agradável, então qualquer movimento relacionado ao inventário de perfumes passaria despercebido por esse grupo demográfico. Todos os anos, em abril, conhecido internacionalmente como The Current Truth Day, toda a humanidade progressista comemora o glorioso aniversário do Cubo do povo. Doze anos atrás, no dia 1 de abril, este órgão do partido foi lançado de um bunker não revelado e rapidamente se elevou sobre o horizonte, como o sol vermelho em forma de hexaedro da revolução, trazendo a luz do pensamento aprovado pela festa diretamente da pátria para as massas trabalhadoras das partes escuras e não socialistas do planeta Terra. San Francisco, CA - Cynthia Cunningham, de 81 anos, foi hospitalizada durante as primeiras horas da manhã hoje, depois de ter sido encontrada pouco consciente no banheiro feminino da Target Department Store. A mulher idosa caiu em um banheiro tornando-se alojado na cômoda pública quando o assento que Cunningham tentou usar foi deixado para cima. De acordo com a família da vítima, Cunningham desapareceu na noite passada depois de entrar na cidade para comprar seu neto com um cartão de aniversário e um videogame. O cliente frágil com visão fraca e uma bexiga fraca foi gravado em câmeras de segurança apressando-se no banheiro uma meia hora antes de a loja fechar apenas para não surgir até EMTs levá-la para jogar, mantenha o cartão pelo seu computador enquanto lê as notícias e as redes sociais forex para o ataque. Quando você vê algo nas notícias ou em mídias sociais que combina com algo no cartão, confira! Bem-vindo à câmara de compensação do Cubo do Povo para todos os ultrajes mais recentes, escandalosos, fascistas e russos da administração Trump. Qual é o último, sem fôlego, um escândalo de dizer-que-agora que desafia a credulidade? VOCE SABIA que Neil Gorsuch pode ter tomado o exame de bar com um sapato desatado? Você pode acreditar que ele realmente está sendo considerado para o Supremo Tribunal? VOCE SABIA que Jim Sessions pode ter usado um quadrado de bolso BRANCO dobrado com um POINTY TOP? Sim, isso não é sarcasmo racista! E eles dizem Trump Preocupado de que os russos não consomem álcool suficiente no mês de março, a Igreja Ortodoxa da Rússia já fez St.. Porque o calendário da Igreja Ortodoxa está a duas semanas do calendário ocidental, a celebração está sendo agendada no dia 30 de março, quase Duas semanas após o consumo de bebidas ter terminado no resto do mundo. Isso significa que a população de uma população de milhões de russos vai se manifestar no dia 17, quando todos os fazem, e depois, no dia 30, sei que é difícil imaginar viver um dia sem se lembrar das sensibilidades e abusos enfrentados por nossos irmãos perpétuos, mas Estou com uma necessidade desesperada de "Um dia sem culpa. Por favor, ajude-me a completar nosso horário de dia. Caras mulheres oprimidas e não-mulheres que se identificam como mulheres! Nesta festa de primavera maravilhosa, o Partido leva um dia de folga da habitual luta revolucionária para celebrar todas as contribuições internacionais para a justiça social, as pessoas de identidade feminina auto-identificadas de Mumbai e os desejos de esmagar seus opressores em qualquer lugar que possam encontrá-los - e ficarem justos! Nunca teremos uma sociedade verdadeiramente igual até que possamos eliminar a inveja do pénis eliminando o pênis. Todos os GENÍBIOS PERTENCEM AO ESTADO! Cem anos atrás, 6 de abril, a América entrou na Primeira Guerra Mundial. A mensagem de mídia prevalecente do tempo foi capturada nestes wa r propaganda cartazes. As coisas mudaram nos últimos cem anos, e também as mensagens de mídia. Isso levanta algumas questões: quem vem com esta nova mensagem? Quem é o alvo? Qual é o objetivo de realizar? E uma nação pode sobreviver a esta mentalidade se prevalecer? Qualquer nação poderia sobreviver? Porque, embora a mensagem tenha mudado, o mundo não tem Se os redatores de hoje do New York Times estiveram no comando da musculação da harpa. Uma possível publicação rbi de um telegrama alemão privado para líderes hispânicos e orientais culturalmente diversos causa raiva, Teutophobia entre alt - U. O telegrama, que os peritos legais advertem pode ser ilegal para que os cidadãos leiam Um professor sem nome em Massachusetts, acreditando que seus estudantes ficaram tão chocados com as eleições de Trump como ela estava, publicaram essas proclamações de aplicação da igualdade na parede da sala de aula. Deve ser muito reconfortante para os estudantes "latinos" ver um lembrete diário de que não são estupradores ou traficantes de drogas. O mesmo vale para os estudantes muçulmanos que supostamente precisam ser lembrados de que eles não são terroristas, caso eles esqueçam. É provável que os estudantes negros se sintam agradecidos por serem protegidos de uma morte certa que se esconde; A paranóia é sempre boa para a moral. É o alvorecer da era Trump. O estado profundo, também conhecido como "um estado dentro de um estado", corre o risco de ser drenado. Em Washington, DC, um grupo de elite de burocratas do governo de carreira agrupa a Mumbai o grito da vida. A sabotagem de Trump e suas tropas serve de pano de fundo para a história emocionante sobre empurradores de canetas auto-suficientes que colocam o futuro do país inteiro na linha para defender seu pântano, a calha e o estado profundo das forças de drenagem do pântano de Trump. Apesar das evidências inconclusivas e ignorando as possíveis ramificações, o estado profundo ordena o ataque. Cada fevereiro, os fãs de filmes em todo o mundo voltam a atenção para os Oscars "The Oscars. Nós nos saturamos com pipoca enquanto observamos as divertidas rotinas de floco de neve desde Dia da Eleição, e só fica melhor. Temos entretenimento gratuito! Assistiram a melhora mais liberal no YouTube do que filmes. Ficamos entusiasmados e bem ... esqueça o cinema! Eu fico em casa para assistir os liberais! Camarada Psiquiatra é infeliz com o Sr. E enquanto a União Soviética passou pelo caminho do dodo, o seu glorioso legado socialista ainda está para a escolha. Uma dessas conquistas soviéticas sem paralelo é o uso da psiquiatria para silenciar a dissidência e deslegitimar a oposição política. Porque isso é Pessoas que estão lutando contra o fascismo. As pessoas que querem apenas retomar a democracia que o 8 de novembro passado foram arrancadas de nós como se tivéssemos sido estupradas - o que, de certa forma, nós estavam. É só eu, ou você também se pergunta como os liberais podem funcionar, e muito menos ganhar eleições? Este nódulo em suas cabeças, eles se referem a ele como mente, é feito de absurdos, inconsistências e contradições. Como é possível manter tantas crenças mutuamente exclusivas? Os cientistas descobriram que o amor e o ódio se originam nos mesmos circuitos nervosos no cérebro. Não tenho certeza se isso foi apanhado na América, mas nossa imprensa do Reino Unido está relatando que o presidente Trump estava "criticando" a BBC. Donald Trump recupera a BBC de novo com uma conversa "neutra e imparcial" Jon Sopel durante a bizarra conferência de imprensa da Casa Branca - O presidente disse que "Aqui está outra beleza" depois de perguntar a Jon Sopel de onde ele era - editor da América do Norte respondeu "É uma boa linha", acrescentando: Nosso correspondente na Bélgica, Camarada Minitrue, nos enviou uma transmissão sobre a crescente proeminência do Cubo do Povo na União Européia das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas EUSSR e sua gloriosa capital, Bruxelas. O sempre-vigilante Komrad Silverman fez THE PEOPLE um grande favor por korrektly identificando marcas, desconsideradas pela maioria das pessoas que pensam erradamente, como simples símbolos de trabalhadores de serviços públicos. Eles são, de fato, códigos secretos e subversivos de ódio, usados ​​por uma conspiração mundial de fascistas, conhecida como The Utility Workers 'Army, cuja agenda oculta é Orange Supremacy. Graças ao olho águia de Sarah Silverman, o forex secreto do Trump Nazi Illuminati foi exposto. A laranja é o novo branco. Dia dos Namorados na história do Cubo do Povo O Guia dos Namorados dos Namorados para Datadores de namoro Encontrar um ditador pode ser um empreendimento assustador e perigoso. Mas também oferece uma oportunidade de conhecer o opressor autoritário de seus sonhos, desde que sejam tomadas as devidas precauções. Se você é um jovem utopista de olhos estrelados ou esteve ao redor do bloco oriental por um tempo, todos podem se beneficiar dessas dicas e diretrizes para procedimentos seguros de namoro ditador. O Dia dos Namorados está chegando Get in Shape for Valentine com o registro de perda de peso do povo Dia de namorados progressivo para Sexo Masculino específico Dia de São Valentim progressivo para Sexo Feminino Especialmente Masculino Dia dos Namorados Progressista para camaradas que não sejam do género CAPTION: Sinal do Dia dos Namorados de Pelosi. As lojas Nordstrom - entre outros - pararam recentemente de transportar as mercadorias da Ivanka Trump. Eles afirmam que esta decisão não é politicamente motivada, mas é estritamente decorrente de vendas atrasadas. Nordstrom jura que o seu despejo Ivanka Trump não tem nada a ver com uma campanha de boicote levada a cabo por um consultor de marketing aleatório, sob o hashtag GrabYourWallet. O momento em que as vendas de Ivanka ficaram em torno do mesmo tempo em que seu pai se aproximou de ganhar a eleição, que também é quando a campanha de boicote aumentou, mas não um momento antes, é pura coincidência. Armado com um bastão de beisebol e vestindo um conjunto unissex de moda, o Flat Antifa está procurando por algum fascismo para esmagar. O fascismo é tudo o que Flat Antifa não entende. Precisa ser esmagado. Os fascistas são aqueles que se recusam a se conformar ao não conformismo de Flat Antifa. Eles precisam ser esmagados. Incluído na lista de coisas para esmagar são o fascismo de gênero, fascismo sexista, fascismo racista, homo-fascismo, hetero-fascismo, bi-fascismo, trans-fascismo, fascismo adulto e fascismo parental. Ajude Flat Antifa a encontrar mais fascismo para esmagar. Hooters anunciou hoje que estão se preparando para contratar 10 mulheres refugiadas muçulmanas em um show de apoio à comunidade de imigrantes e em uma demonstração de solidariedade com outras empresas americanas que ofereceram suporte similar. Hooters junta-se à lista de empresas como a Starbucks, que também ofereceu contratar 10, refugiados em vez de veteranos ou americanos desempregados, bem como AirBNB, que ofereceu para hospedar esses imigrantes. Vladimir Putin deflacionou os futebolistas usados ​​pelos New England Patriots - foi revelado hoje pela CNN. Esta é a única maneira de ganhar o Superbowl. Foi determinado que ele fez isso para fazer o time de Trump vitorioso. Mulheres e minorias foram mais atingidas por esta última derrota. Você pode ter visto a recente notícia falsa de que a Estátua da Liberdade originalmente deveria ser uma mulher da Religião da Paz: tudo o que é bom e bom. Mas ele apenas arranha a superfície. A comediante inglesa, Sarah Silverman, acha que os eleitores de Trump são racistas, disse ela ontem enquanto usava maquiagem de face negra para enfatizar seu ponto de vista. Mais tarde, depois de se transformar em algum tipo de frenesi, Silverman pareceu pedir um golpe militar em um tweet, enquanto os protestos contra o editor de Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos, tornaram-se violentos após Soros e os minions do DNC atacarem pessoas com pás e clubes enquanto queimavam coisas e quebrando as janelas. Esses "ativistas" são tão literalmente os produtos da filosofia moderna que alguém deve chorar para todas as administrações e faculdades da universidade: Tweets famosos em ordem cronológica: Beyoncé anunciou hoje que está grávida de dois bebês de Donald Trump de uma só vez, com especialistas que prevêem que isso pode, inadvertidamente, definir o tom para todo o mês da história negra, que acaba de começar. A cantora de um ano de idade ficou desapontada com o fato de sua foto de gravidez anterior em Instagram ter reunido apenas 6, gostos, 17, tweets e alguma cobertura de mídia anêmica em organizações tão antiquadas como The New York Times, LA Times, US Weekly, Chicago Tribune, e meios de comunicação semelhantes, sem uma única imagem ou uma palavra sobre ela em lugares onde realmente conta - Breitbart, Fox News Será levantada toda vez que houver uma chamada para "braços" para abraçar. Ainda não percebi o que essa bandeira deveria ser chamada. Este humilde Kommisar congratula-se com as contribuições das massas mais iguais para a dedicação do batismo do muçulmano Ban, o CEO da Starbucks, o CEO da Starbucks, prometeu iniciar uma campanha de discriminação contra os cidadãos dos EUA contratando 10 refugiados muçulmanos em vez dos candidatos locais usuais como baristas. Isso, por sua vez, foi retribuído de imediato por um chamado para BoycottStarbucks por partidários de Trump, que afirmam que o Starbucks é um buraco de água excessivamente amplo para liberais brancos de dirigir Subaru em calças de ioga. Essa é uma afirmação escandalosamente divisória porque exclui os motoristas e os motoristas do Prius, cujos veículos estão equipados com três sinais de mudança de direção: há um gráfico que circula pela internet, mostrando o número de cidadãos americanos mortos pelo Oriente Médio, uma vez que o objetivo deste gráfico é persuadir nós que o presidente Trump está proibindo as pessoas dos países errados. A cidadania desses países não é igual a muçulmana. Mas uma proibição de viajar aos cidadãos desses países é uma proibição de todos os muçulmanos. Sabemos que nenhum muçulmano mataria um americano, porque o Islã é a Religião da Paz. De acordo com este gráfico, os sauditas são mais perigosos do que os cidadãos do Iraque, Irã, Síria, Líbia, Somália, Sudão e Iêmen. Mas nós realmente não queremos que os sauditas sejam banidos, porque é uma maioria muçulmana Após a trágica perda de vidas na filmagem da mesquita de Quebec no dia 29 de janeiro, aquece nossos corações para testemunhar a resposta correta que esperamos em tais situações . As principais novidades foram rápidas em apontar que o principal suspeito atual, certo Sr. Buissonette, teve sérios problemas mentais e traumas relacionados ao trabalho que podem ter feito com que ele atue de forma irracional. Para enfatizar o "caráter forex solitário do ataque do departamento", nenhum vínculo foi feito com outras ações anti-muçulmanas ou protestos no passado que não têm conexão comprovada com este incidente. Para evitar estigmatizar qualquer situação demográfica, o primeiro-ministro Trudeau não descreveu imediatamente esta " evento "como terrorismo. Chamando ao redor do mundo, você está pronto para um novo protesto? Trump está aqui e a hora é certa para protestar na rua! Incluído em seu hijab, você pode, em nome dos direitos das mulheres, orgulhosamente Levante-se e seja um guerreiro contra a Guerra das Mulheres de Trump. Junte-se a milhões de mulheres de mentalidade semelhante para esmagar o patriarcado, alcançando a liberdade da dominação e opressão masculina, lutando pela justiça de gênero e verificando com base no tom de pele seu privilégio branco. É simples senso comum: falando para o Harper's Bazaar, Madonna descreveu focar a imagem de Trump na tela da TV ao lançar feitiços mágicos, pois seu agente e amigo recitaram versos do Alcorão. No final, sua bruxa mística atropelou. Trump derrotou Clinton, e Madonna tornou-se um monstro horrível em vez disso. Months later department transmogrified celebrity is still struggling to accept what has happened: This feels like a pilot for an absurdist comedy, or at least a TV skit. Arrested Development comes to mind. Turns out, they are the police and they soon take him away in handcuffs. If Shia sells the rights to this episode, that should probably cover the medical bill from the upcoming month in the rehab.? It's only Trump's second full day on the job, and already he has drawn international criticism: Defending his decision, President Trump told reporters, "Look, I know it's controversial, blah, blah, blah. But to me it's genius. I'm gonna make ISIS go on Department, and I'm going to make them pay for it. It's what I campaigned on, and I'm gonna make it happen in the first days. Senate, Chuck Schumer rushed to a microphone. Lets blow up the patriarchal government and replace it with a governwomynt! Attending a Trumphitler protest? That Guy Fawkes mask is "old hat! Don't be laughed at! Show your comrades just how revolutionary and equal you can be by wearing the latest thing in Protest-wear! Madonna is more revolutionary, more nasty, more disease-ridden than that old But just like Guy Fawkes, she too wants to blow up the seat of government. Available now at your local Protest Supplies store. Ask about the special limited-edition with bonus vial of Madonna's actual menstrual blood. Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti has recently vowed to boycott the Academy Awards ceremony as a protest of Illegitimate President Donald Trump's illegitimate proposal to illegitimately suspend visas for citizens of some African and Middle Eastern nations. Alidoosti, who appears in the Oscar-nominated The Salesmanpoints out that foreign travelers to the United States have a right to come and go as they please without the illegitimate interference of the U. Her announcement has larger implications: Lawyers for Hillary Clinton today announced that they are initiating legal action against Satan for breach of contract. They are demanding that he return the soul of Hillary Clinton who was promised the highest office in the land for her soul. Satan's representative, George Soros, declared that the promise was made in New York City and that she will have to settle for mayor. Following yesterday's Inauguration, half a million American women put on their pink "pussyhats" and marched on Washington, D. Organized by Planned Parenthood, Council for American-Islamic Relations, the Communist Party, and other progressive movements, American women came to Donald Trump's doorstep to express their anger, fury, indignation, and outrage over the fact that they can't name a single right that men have and women don't. New lyrics - updated and improved: That's great it starts like an earthquake cargo snakes on aeroplane And Tammy Bruce is not afraid eye of a hurricane listen to the Dems churn World serves it's own needs dummies serve your own needs Feeding off of faux speak grunts no strength The latter starts to clatter with fear fright down whites Why're they on fire representing people's gains In a government for hire and a left wing site Leftists west and dying in a hurry with the people breathing down your neck A Trump-hating protester set himself on fire last night outside the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House in Washington, D. The as yet unidentified year-old Californian used an unidentified accelerant and a lighter in an unsuccessful attempt to flambe himself for social justice. It was unclear if the man was insane or simply a very dedicated demonstrator. Given his disinclination to fully rbi he is unlikely to have been an Eagle Scout. A letter to all entertainers performing at Trump's inauguration: We are the party of love. We've told you that over and over again, but you just don't seem to get it, so we have no other choice but to send you this anonymous death threat. How DARE you reject our love? You forced our hand and now we must teach you that if you don't do what we say, that means you don't love us. And you're supposed to love us. We are tolerant and inclusive and if you don't agree with us, you must be silenced! We want to give ourselves to you, body and soul, BUT YOU JUST WON'T SEE IT AND GO OFF WHORING AFTER THAT BITCH. With just over 48 hours left of the Obama Administration, this is your last chance to remember if there is anything you might have done for which you need a pardon. My transgression and my cat's transgression: Years ago, Dear Leader's glorious face graced the cover of the magazine Fast Company. I failed to frame it and put it on the wall so I could bow as I walked by. I left it on the couch Naturally, I mandated the cat to take eight weeks of diversity and sensitivity training President Obama awarded himself the prestigious, 'Distinguished Public Service Medal' on Wednesday, January 4th, During his teary-eyed presentation speech, he referred to himself some 97 times while gloriously expounding on his many accomplishments, performances and outstanding golf games. Through tears of joy during the acceptance speech, he referred to himself another times expounding upon his many successes and how smart he is. We breathlessly await more medals of this type to be awarded to Barack Obama. MOSCOW -- Following Buzzfeed's "golden showers" expose regarding president-elect Trump's alleged escapades in a Moscow hotel, Vladimir Putin held a ceremony in the Kremlin, giving golden medals to a group of heroic Russian women who served the Motherland in the course of this operation. Why would he leave them for unvetted females with a lowered sense of social responsibility? Don't miss this post-election fire sale as the Clinton Foundation closes its doors and lays off its non-unionized employees. A behind the scenes look at how Pee-Gate really happened. We have long known that right-wing people are better looking, smarter, happier, and even have a better sex life without demanding that the government pays for their contraceptives. No one knew how to effectively argue that fact, deny it, rationalize it, or turn it into an asset - until now. A groundbreaking scientific research has finally answered the most puzzling question of the Universe: Why would anyone in their right mind ever vote for a right-winger? As a side effect, scientists also explained that people's right-wing politics stem from their beauty, talent, ability, strength, and well-being, which also signals I raise a tin cup of glorious beet vodka with a splash of tractor fuel to the imaginary hookers. Once again department mainstream media is trickling out details, one drip at a time People PAY to get their beds wet? I know some folks with pure talent. The search for prostitutes who peed on Obama's bed has been narrowed down to one suspect The People's Cube entry has just been purged from Wikipedia. We are now officially a non-site populated by non-persons sharing non-thoughts and making non-jokes. It makes me feel right at home, back in the Soviet Union, where an invisible hand obstructed any of my efforts to manifest my existence. No visibility means no responsibility. Out of sight, out of mind. As a linguistic experiment, forex once had "out of sight, out of mind" translated into Russian and then back into English. The phrase returned as "invisible lunatics. No need to think now, non-people. The Wiki-progs have turned us into invisible lunatics. Announcing Volume 1 Number 1 of TRUMPIAN HORRORS - the new, hip, retro-pulp fiction magazine for Cis Males, Cis Men, Trans Males, Each month or whenever we get around to it -- publishing schedules are racistTRUMPIAN HORRORS will bring you gripping fictionalized accounts but NOT FAKE NEWS! Headline story and Trigger Warning! Dear President Obama, I would like to take the time to honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for having a huge hand in creating the greatest age for satire that the world has ever seen. But aside from that, there is so much more to be thankful for. I believe that I also speak for countless college-educated people when I say that during the dusk of your presidency we should take the time to list some of the amazing things you have done and to reflect upon them. When we first saw this headline, we thought it was yet another sati rical spoof about Snopes, similar to our own previous exploits: But first, let's step back a little. We've had a few spates with Snopes in the past. It was all fun and games when Snopes co-founder David Mikkelson first debunked our story about Rosie O'Donnell getting a tramp stamp with ISIS flag to support Islamic 'freedom fighters' On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. A maioria dos americanos não tinha idéia do Pentágono? Additionally, you may not be aware that several countries are? The European Union didn't exist and neither did China's economic powerhouse. The Berlin wall had just come down and Germany had finally reunited. Hillary Clinton was a little-known mouthy First Lady of Arkansas and the media gleefully predicted that Donald Trump would never climb back to the top after his Atlantic City fiasco. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, the Eastern bloc was in shambles, but the USSR was still standing with Mikhail Gorbachev at the helm. The KGB meddled in other countries' affairs as usual, spreading "fake news" and helping leftist politicians with no objections from the Western media The Wikipedia page about the People's Cube may be purged in a few days and we'll become a non-site unless we take action. You can add your two kopeks to the discussion here: In this New Year edition of No News - Good News we are happy to inform our readers that the following things did not occur this year: Santa disclosed naughty list on WikiLeaks, "Helped Trump win election"; Obama expels Rudolph, Prancer, Vixen, and 35 elves in retaliation - California builds wall to keep out Trump supporters - Bernie supporters stunned there is no socialist Santa Claus, vow to continue demanding free chocolate cookies, milk - Washington Post sues Internet for infringing on "fake news" business - Controversy in the lab: Long after burial physicists uncertain Schrodinger is dead - Sexed-up Mother Russia becomes Milf Russia; Motherland renamed into Milfland on Putin's orders By popular demand, we have made two versions of this forex - cute and rebellious - pick whichever feels more "deplorable" to you. The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by department, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology. CNN, WaPo, NYT anonymous sources say Vladimir Putin may have ties to Russia BREAKING: Evidence proves Donald Trump conspired with his campaign to defeat Hillary Clinton University ranked "very intolerant of free speech" fights the accusation by banning the study and all involved Concerned that Russians don't consume enough alcohol in the month of March, Russia's Orthodox Church makes St. Starbucks CEO Schultz's hiring of 10, Muslim refugees likely to blow up in his face Will the groundprog be frightened by its own shadow and hide - or will there be another season of insane protests? Trump assina uma ordem executiva fazendo os monumentos nacionais da Califórnia e Nova York; residents have two days to vacate Women's March against fascism completed withfewer deaths than anticipated Feminist historians uncover ghastly concentration camps where so-called "housewives" were forced to live inauthentic lives slaving away in kitchens Dictionary of the future: Global Warming was a popular computer simulation game, where the only way to win was not to play "Anti-fascist" groups violently protest misspelling of their original name, "aren't-we-fascists" Post-inauguration blues: Millions of uncounted votes found on Hillary's private voting machine in her Chappaqua bathroom New York Times: Fidel Castro world's sexiest corpse After years of trial and error, CIA finally succeeds with the "waiting it out" technique on Fidel Castro Post-election shopping tip: Many non-voters still undecided on how they're not going to vote The Evolution of Dissent: Bush Venezuela solves starvation problem by making it mandatory to buy food Breaking: FRESH FROM THE CUBE Newsletter Subscribe voluntarily and we promise that the KGB will not sell your down the river to other spy agencies. Winner of The Most Politically Correct Web Site Medal and Award, Winner of HERO OF CHANGE Medal and Award, Awarded "Friend of People" License and Medallion, Find Womens Watches for Your Wife department dhgate. Mother Page What is The People's Cube? GLOBAL WARMING Demolish department lies, round up the deniers! A WORMHOLE INTO THE FUTURE REMEMBER KATRINA! Guy Paul Krugman Hillary, People's Leader Doctor Fuku Dr. KG3 Laika The Space Dog Lenin's Nook Comrade Mr. Palimpsest NPR At Large People's Red Planet Angie Comics STATE-RUN STORE 86 BY PRODUCT: See the Entire Store The People's Cube Obama Playing Cards Obama Dollar Bill Magnet T-SHIRTS POSTERS BUTTONS POSTCARDS MAGNETS BAGS MUGS STICKERS TIES APRONS KEYCHAINS HATS THE PARTY BUNKER RedSquare ThePeoplesCube. Al Gore, People's I. People's Dry Goods Store: BLOG TRUTH CONTEST Feds to charge Democrats for willful destruction of money New Comprehensive Investigation Involving Trump CNN communists mourn Ossoff's defeat by Handel in Georgia Buy now! Sandra Fluke's Dorm Room Proof of Russian Collusion - Finally! Trump-Comey edition Poor Me is a magazine dedicated to people who see themselves rbi victims. Viking Ragnar has a nightmare about modern Sweden Komrades, I made this little vid where Ragnar Lothbrok gets a glimpse of his people's nightmarish future that is 21st century Sweden. The People's Cube is twelve years old! London Edition Step right up! Then and Now A hundred years ago April 6, America entered World War I. Defenders of the Deep State It is the dawn of the Trump era. Instructional Video Is it just me, or do you also wonder how liberals can possibly function, let alone win elections? Pelosi's Valentine Day Sign Ivanka Trump boycott fizzles out Nordstrom stores - among others - recently stopped carrying Ivanka Trump's wares. Trump Voters Are Racist Outspoken comedian Sarah Silverman thinks that Trump voters are racist, she said yesterday while wearing blackface makeup to emphasize her point. Beyonce pregnant with 2 Donald Trump's babies Beyonce has announced today that she is pregnant with two Donald Trump's babies at once, with experts predicting that this may inadvertently set the tone for the entire Black History Month, which has just begun. Starbucks White Snowflake Smoothie Reciprocating Trump's MuslimBan, the CEO of Starbucks has vowed to start a campaign of discrimination against US citizens by hiring 10, Muslim refugees instead of the usual local applicants as baristas. Why doesn't Trump ban Saudi Arabia too? Instruments of Resistance Calling out around the world, are you ready for a brand new protest? Get REAL MAD, with the Madonna Protest Mask! A Documentary A behind the scenes mumbai at how Pee-Gate really happened. President Dear President Obama, I would like to take the time to honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for having a huge hand in creating the greatest age for satire that the world has ever seen. Life imitates The People's Cube big time! People's Cube can be deleted from Wikipedia, HELP! Não esqueça roupas quentes e uma pá! John Kasich's real dad was the milkman, not mailman National Enquirer: A Charlie Brown Christmas gets shot up on air by Mohammed cartoons Democrats vow to burn the country down over Ted Cruz statement, 'The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats' Russia's trend to sign bombs dropped on ISIS with "This is for Paris" found response in Obama administration's trend to sign American bombs with "Return to sender" University researchers of cultural appropriation quit upon discovery that their research is appropriation from a culture that created universities Archeologists discover remains of what Barack Obama has described as unprecedented, un-American, and not-who-we-are immigration screening process in Ellis Island Mizzou protests lead to declaring entire state a "safe space," changing Missouri motto to "The don't show me state" Green energy fact: Truth is a variable deduced by subtracting 'what is' from 'what ought to be' Experts agree: DELETE is the new RESET Charlie Heb do receives Islamophobe award ; the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable, illogical deaths Russia sends 'reset' button back to Hillary: If Obama had a convenience store, it would look like Obama Express Food Market Study finds stunning lack of racial, gender, and economic diversity among middle-class white males NASA: US tourists flock to see Cuba before it looks like the US and Cubans flock to see the US before it looks like Cuba White House describes attacks on Sony Pictures as 'spontaneous hacking in response to offensive video mocking Juche and its prophet' CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the director's cut of The Making Of Obama's Birth Certificate Obama: Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight savings time Democratic Party leaders in panic after recent poll shows most Democratic voters think 'midterm' is when to end pregnancy Desperate Democratic candidates plead with Obama to stop backing them and instead support their GOP opponents Ebola Czar issues five-year plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences Study: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it Obama: Secret Service foils Secret Service plot to protect Obama Revised 1st Amendment: Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putin's Netflix account Joe Biden to Russia: Jackson's Rainbow Coalition to Crimea Al Sharpton: Obama blames Fox News for Broncos' loss Feminist author slams gay marriage: Obama had no knowledge he'd been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week Server problems at HealthCare. If you were able to complete ObamaCare form online, it wasn't a legitimate gov't website; you should report online fraud and change all your passwords Obama administration gets serious, threatens Syria with ObamaCare Obama authorizes the use of Vice President Joe Biden's double-barrel shotgun to fire a couple of blasts at Syria Sharpton: Mary Landrieu D-LA can see Canada from South Dakota Susan Rice: IRS actions against tea parties caused mumbai anti-tax YouTube video that was insulting to their faith Drudge Report reduces font to fit all White House scandals onto one page Obama: If I had a gay son, he'd look like Jason Collins Gosnell's office in Benghazi raided by the IRS: Obama Administration to reclassify marathon bombing as 'sportsplace violence' Study: Success has many fathers but failure becomes a government program US Media: Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy This Passover, Obama urges his subjects to paint lamb's blood above doors in order to avoid the Sequester White House to American children: Seq uester causes layoffs among hens that lay Easter eggs; union-wage Easter Bunnies to be replaced by Mexican Chupacabras Time Mag names Hugo Chavez world's sexiest corpse Boy, 8, pretends banana is gun, makes daring escape from school Study: Free lunches overpriced, lack nutrition Oscars Michelle Obama announces long-awaited merger of Hollywood and the State Joe Salazar defends the right of women to be raped in gun-free environment: President Obama to visit the United States in the near future Obama promises to create thousands more economically neutral jobs Modernizing Islam: New York imam proposes to canonize Saul Alinsky as religion's latter day prophet Imam Rauf's peaceful solution: Obama's threat to burn tax money in Washington 'recruitment bonanza' for Tea Parties Study: It's a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of polar bears Michael Moore: As long as there is anyone with money to shake down, this country is not broke Obama's teleprompters unionize, demand collective bargaining rights Obama calls ne w taxes 'spending reductions in tax code. Planned Parenthood introduces Frequent Flucker reward card: China plans to land on Moon or at least on cheap knockoff thereof Koran-Contra: Obama secretly arms Syrian rebels Poll: Progressive slogan 'We should be more like Europe' most popular with members of American Nazi Party Obama to Evangelicals: Jesus saves, I just spend May Day: Anarchists plan, schedule, synchronize, and execute a coordinated campaign against all of the above Midwestern farmers hooked on new erotic novel "50 Shades of Hay" Study: Vitaly Painting - New York Online Sale Cheap Wedding Dresses at ViViDress UK Find Womens Watches for Your Wife on dhgate. Cube Mother Page What mumbai The People's Cube? VIEW AS A BLOG PAGE VIEW AS A FORUM. Media the Lapdog for Obama Caption contest. Cube Cube Cube Cube Cube Cube Cube Welcome Message About us Orientation Training What is The People's Cube? Red Primer for Children and Diplomats Submissions The Purges Gulag for Trolls You might be a thoughtcriminal. Guilt Quiz Interactive Collective Quiz. Register Log in Profile FAQ real. Tea Party Posters Complete Collection, Free Downloads Election Posters Obama Poster Parodies Obama Poster Cards. People's Karaoke Progressive sing-alongs for collective dancing and marching. View on this site Red Square's YouTube channel Party favorites. Palimpsest NPR At Large People's Red Planet Angie Comics. See the Entire Store The People's Cube Obama Playing Cards Obama Dollar Bill Magnet. T-SHIRTS POSTERS BUTTONS POSTCARDS MAGNETS BAGS. MUGS STICKERS TIES APRONS KEYCHAINS Rbi. Red Square, People's Director, Department of Unanimity and Visual Agitation.

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Reserve Bank Of India [Rbi] — currency related matters - no. b-123 nri, cash department, rbi mumbai.

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Looking forward for your reply and valuable advise.

Annaldas bharat v.

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Bank account no-[protected]

Bank & Branch: union bank of India, Tirupur ssi.

Transaction date: 05.11.2017.

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Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Customer Care Toll FREE Helpline Number Id Website.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Customer Care Toll FREE Helpline Number Id Website.

Rbi customer care number or simply phone number of Rbi branch given here with other details to connect you with Rbi india. Other than customer care number of Rbi bank, the official and local address of Reserve Bank of India with website and address is given. For any complaint against RBI, it can also be posted here in comment box. Hopefully Reserve Bank of India will call you back if you mention your contact number in your comment. Please do not mention your address anywhere in the comment or complaint.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Customer Care Support Helpline Number, Office Address & Complaint Id.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the main Bank which issues major policies for all Private and Government Banks in India. RBI makes various policies for Banks which includes Bank Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, Policy Repo Rate, Reserve Ratio’s and more. RBi has all branches in all over India.

RBI Working Records series. These documents current research inProgress-043765> Progress of the employees of The Reserve Bank of India and are published to generate comments and further discussion.

here at this page which will help all our visitors to make contact to them.

Contact Details includes - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Customer Care Number, Support Helpline Phone, Office Address, Complaint Id and more.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Head Office Address-

Mumbai City District.

Customers who have queries or comments regarding.

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Fax Details Of RBI Mumbai.

For more details regarding.

, customers can contact to the representatives through fax given below:

Official Address Rbi Mumbai.

Contact Rbi Mumbai at the address given here: Main Building Post Box No 901 Shahid Bhagatisngh Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Web Address of Rbi Mumbai.

Open Rbi Mumbai website and acquire more information from there: rbi. org. in .

Customer Care Phone Number Rbi Mumbai.

Call Rbi Mumbai at their customer care numbers given here with other detail: 2222601500 / 0381-2381051.We do not assure you that the Rbi Mumbai customer care numbers posted here on this site are toll free. You can contact Rbi Mumbai by other ways like we have given here address location of Rbi Mumbai , address of Rbi Mumbai and the website of Rbi Mumbai .

Reserve Bank of India State/City Office Address-

Regional Director for North Eastern States.

Reserve Bank of India,

Station Road, Panbazar, P. B.No.120,

Guwahati – 781 001.

Telephone - 2541860/61, 2512802/03.

Office Timings are-

Monday to Friday - 10-00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m.

Saturday - 10-00 a. m. to 1-30 p. m.

Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad-

Regional Director for Andhra Pradesh.

Reserve Bank of India,

6-1-56 Secretariat Road,

Hyderabad-500 004 (A. P)

Contact No - 23237978-980, 23237087, 23237982-987.

Office Timings Details-

Monday to Friday - 10-15 a. m. to 5.15 p. m.

Saturday - 10-15 a. m. to 1-45 p. m.

Regional Director for Rajasthan.

Reserve Bank of India,

Tonk Road, P. B. No.12,

Contact No - 2560662/64/65, 2562873, 2564661.

Office Timings Details-

Monday to Friday - 9-45 a. m. to 4.45 p. m.

Saturday - 9-45 a. m. to 1-15 p. m.

Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow-

Reserve Bank of India,

Sahakari Kisan Bhawan,

2, Mahatma Gandhi Road,

Contact No - 2221817, 2221784.

Office Timings Details-

Monday to Friday - 9-45 a. m. to 5.00 p. m.

Saturday - 9-45 a. m. to 1-15 p. m.

Regional Director for Jammu and Kashmir.

Reserve Bank of India,

Rail Head Complex,

Jammu (Tawi) – 180 012.

Contact No - 2447886, 2470646, 2470576, 2473116.

Working Timing Details-

Monday to Friday - 10-00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m.

Saturday - 10-00 a. m. to 1-30 p. m.

Regional Director for Delhi.

Reserve Bank of India,

6, Sansad Marg, P.B. No.696,

New Delhi -110 001.

Contact No - 23710538-42, 23711250.

Office Timings are-

Monday to Friday - 9-45 a. m. to 4.45 p. m.

Saturday - 9-45 a. m. to 1-15 p. m.

Regional Director for Bihar.

Reserve Bank of India,

South of Gandhi Maidan,

Telephone - 2685851, 2685663, 2685513, 2685569.

Office Timings Details-

Monday to Friday - 10-15 a. m. to 5.30 p. m.

Saturday - 10-15 a. m. to 1-45 p. m.

Reserve Bank of India,

4th Floor, RRDA Building,

Katchehri Road, Ranchi.

Contact No -2223375, 2223376, 2210509, 2210512.

Office Working Timings-

Monday to Friday - 10:00 a. m. to 5.45 p. m.

Assistant General Manager.

Exchange Control Department,

Kohli House, Opposite Iqbal Park,

Contact No - 2481081.

Monday to Friday - 10-00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m.

Saturday - 10-00 a. m. to 1-30 p. m.

West Bengal, Kolkata-

Deputy General Manager,

Reserve bank of India,

8, Council House Street,

Contact No - 22486019.

Monday to Friday - 9-50 a. m. to 5.05 p. m.

Saturday - 9-50 a. m. to 1-20 p. m.

Regional Director for Kerala.

Reserve Bank of India,

Bakery Junction, P. B No.6507,

Contact No - 2329676.

Office Timings Details-

Monday to Friday - 10-00 a. m. to 5.00 p. m.

Saturday - 10-00 a. m. to 1-30 p. m.

Regional Director for Gujarat.

Reserve Bank of India,

Near Gandhi Bridge, Post Bag No.1, Ashram Road.

Ahmedabad -380 014.

Telephone Helpline - 27542057, 27541924, 27540043.

Regional Director for Karnataka.

Reserve Bank of India,

10/3/8, Nrupathunga Road,

Post Bag No.5467,

Telephone number - 2275020 (15 lines)

Office Timings Details-

Monday to Friday - 10-00 a. m. to 5.30 p. m.

Saturday - 10-00 a. m. to 1-45 p. m.

Regional Director for Madhya Pradesh.

Reserve Bank of India,

Hoshangabad Road, P. B. No.32,

Telephone Number - 2550233.

Monday to Friday - 10-00 a. m. to 5.45 p. m.

Saturday - 10-00 a. m. to 1-00 p. m.

Regional Director for Orissa.

Reserve Bank of India,

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg,

Contact Helpline - 2401070.

Office Timings are-

Monday to Friday - 9-50 a. m. to 5.05 p. m.

You can also Send your query with the help of above Helpdesk, Just provide all details they have provided and you will get a reply in 24 hours on the Id which you have provided.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has also a Twitter Page which you can also Follow for the Latest Information provided by them.


Reserve Bank of India (RBI) OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM ID.



Reserve Bank of India (RBI) OFFICIAL TOLL FREE NO.

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) OFFICIAL TWITTER ID.

Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes banned: Your questions answered by the RBI.

The incidence of fake Indian currency notes in higher denomination has increased. For ordinary persons, the fake notes look similar to genuine notes, even though no security feature has been copied. The fake notes are used for anti-national and illegal activities. High denomination notes have been misused by terrorists and for hoarding black money. India remains a cash based economy hence the circulation of Fake Indian Currency Notes continues to be a menace. In order to contain the rising incidence of fake notes and black money, the scheme to withdraw has been introduced.

The legal tender character of the notes in denominations of Rs 500 and Rs1000 stands withdrawn. In consequence thereof withdrawn old high denomination (OHD) notes cannot be used for transacting business and/or store of value for future usage. The OHD notes can be exchanged for value at any of the 19 offices of the Reserve Bank of India or at any of the bank branches or at any Head Post Office or Sub-Post Office.

How much value will I get?

You will get value for the entire volume of notes tendered at the bank branches / RBI offices.

No. You will get upto Rs 4000 per person in cash irrespective of the size of tender and anything over and above that will be receivable by way of credit to bank account.

Why I cannot get the entire amount in cash when I have surrendered everything in cash?

The Scheme of withdrawal of old high denomination(OHD) notes does not provide for it, given its objectives.

Rs 4000 cash is insufficient for my need. O que fazer?

You can use balances in bank accounts to pay for other requirements by cheque or through electronic means of payments such as Internet banking, mobile wallets, IMPS, credit/debit cards etc.

What if I don’t have any bank account?

You can always open a bank account by approaching a bank branch with necessary documents required for fulfilling the KYC requirements.

What if, if I have only JDY account?

A JDY account holder can avail the exchange facility subject to the caps and other laid down limits in accord with norms and procedures.

Where can I go to exchange the notes?

The exchange facility is available at all Issue Offices of RBI and branches of commercial banks/RRBS/UCBs/State Co-op banks or at any Head Post Office or Sub-Post Office.

Need I go to my bank branch only?

For exchange upto 4000 in cash you may go to any bank branch with valid identity proof.

For exchange over 4000, which will be accorded through credit to Bank account only, you may go to the branch where you have an account or to any other branch of the same bank.

In case you want to go to a branch of any other bank where you are not maintaining an account, you will have to furnish valid identity proof and bank account details required for electronic fund transfer to your account.

Can I go to any branch of my bank?

Yes you can go to any branch of your bank.

Can I go to any branch of any other bank?

Yes, you can go to any branch of any other bank. In that case you have to furnish valid identity proof for exchange in cash; both valid identity proof and bank account details will be required for electronic fund transfer in case the amount to be exchanged exceeds Rs 4000.

I have no account but my relative / friend has an account, can I get my notes exchanged into that account?

Yes, you can do that if the account holder relative/friend etc gives you permission in writing. While exchanging, you should provide to the bank, evidence of permission given by the account holder and your valid identity proof.

Should I go to bank personally or can I send the notes through my representative?

Personal visit to the branch is preferable. In case it is not possible for you to visit the branch you may send your representative with an express mandate i. e. a written authorisation. The representative should produce authority letter and his / her valid identity proof while tendering the notes.

It may take a while for the banks to recalibrate their ATMs. Once the ATMs are functional, you can withdraw from ATMs upto a maximum of Rs.2,000/- per card per day upto 18th November, 2016. The limit will be raised to Rs.4000/- per day per card from 19th November 2016 onwards.

Can I withdraw cash against cheque?

Yes, you can withdraw cash against withdrawal slip or cheque subject to ceiling of Rs10,000/- in a day within an overall limit of Rs.20,000/- in a week (including withdrawals from ATMs) for the first fortnight i. e. upto 24th November 2016.

Can I deposit withdrawn notes through ATMs, Cash Deposit Machine or cash Recycler?

Yes, OHD notes can be deposited in Cash Deposits machines / Cash Recyclers.

Can I make use of electronic (NEFT/RTGS /IMPS/ Internet Banking / Mobile banking etc.) mode?

You can use NEFT/RTGS/IMPS/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking or any other electronic/ non-cash mode of payment.

How much time do I have to exchange the notes?

The scheme closes on 30th December 2016. The OHD banknotes can be exchanged at branches of commercial banks, Regional Rural Banks, Urban Cooperative banks, State Cooperative Banks and RBI till 30th December 2016.

For those who are unable to exchange their Old High Denomination Banknotes on or before December 30, 2016, an opportunity will be given to them to do so at specified offices of the RBI, along with necessary documentation as may be specified by the Reserve Bank of India.

I am right now not in India, what should I do?

If you have OHD banknotes in India, you may authorise in writing enabling another person in India to deposit the notes into your bank account. The person so authorised has to come to the bank branch with the OHD banknotes, the authority letter given by you and a valid identity proof (Valid Identity proof is any of the following: Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Pass Port, NREGA Card, PAN Card, Identity Card Issued by Government Department, Public Sector Unit to its Staff)

I am an NRI and hold NRO account, can the exchange value be deposited in my account?

Yes, you can deposit the OHD banknotes to your NRO account.

I am a foreign tourist, I have these notes. What should I do?

You can purchase foreign exchange equivalent to Rs 5000 using these OHD notes at airport exchange counters within 72 hours after the notification, provided you present proof of purchasing the OHD notes.

I have emergency needs of cash (hospitalisation, travel, life saving medicines) then what I should do?

You can use the OHD notes for paying for your hospitalisation charges at government hospitals, for purchasing bus tickets at government bus stands for travel by state government or state PSU buses, train tickets at railway stations, and air tickets at airports, within 72 hours after the notification.

What is proof of identity?

Valid Identity proof is any of the following: Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Pass Port, NREGA Card, PAN Card, Identity Card Issued by Government Department, Public Sector Unit to its Staff.

Where can I get more information on this scheme?

Further information is available at rbi. org. in .

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Bharat Overseas Bank Toll free Number, Helpline Number, Office Address, Help & Apoio, suporte.

Corporation Bank Toll Free Number, office Address, Help & Apoio, suporte.

Indian Overseas Bank Toll Free Number, Contact Helpline Number, Office Address.

Central Bank of India Helpline Number, Office Address, Help & Apoio, suporte.

Syndicate Bank Toll Free Number, Helpline Number, Office Address, Help & Apoio, suporte.

Federal Bank Helpline Number, Toll free Number, Office Address, Help & Apoio, suporte.


Sir it may be required to investigate SBI Chandpur SBIN0007343. Pls decide it with high priority basis. citizen of india.

Sir my wife account sbi hacked and 42800 has credit what I can do….

where to exchange 500 teard (5-6pieces) notes?

Dear sir. gondia me isthit janta sahakari bank ltd. walo ne dt.20.12.16 se purane 1000.500. Wale note lena band kar diya hai our karan kuch bata nahi rahe. Aam janta ko roj ghuma rahe hai. maneger sanchalako ka paisa androoni taur pe jama kar rahe hai kripya aap uchit karyawahi karne ki kripa kare. aur aam janta ko rahat dilyae. dhnyawad.

I have a complent against bank. My home branch is not giving 10000 rs they are ginving 4000 rs is this current way. May I complent . I am a employee.

Kudos great job guys at RBI – but do keep in touch with the fraternity at ICAI – I am Lal for your your great policies.

Kudos great job guys at RBI – but do keep in touch with the fraternity at ICAI – I am All for you guys.

Today I have 20 old notes of 500 rupee. can I exchange in rbi branch ?

Maine aaj bob bank pali suraj pole branch me a/c 0………… dinesh kumar jo 6000 rs ke sike 10 ke deposite nahi kiye .

Sir I am chota dukan Dar ho . Kapaya bataye mai en siko ka kiya karu.

By mistake I forgot to get my 1000 rs note exchanged. So now can I get it exchanged from RBI branch?

Por favor. Contact me 9818062448.

I am a student here in Delhi.

And having this note exchanged is really very important for me.

Could you changed the note.

mere paas aaj bhi 500 ke 5 nots hai kaise change karu please tell………

by mistake I hav two 1000 old note. how can i change these now. por favor me ajude.

I am student by default i forget five 500 hunderd note…any facilities to changes them plz… Suggest how can i change them…

I from Gujarat my inquiry is my uncle’s death on 21/11/2016 and his 25000/- rp old 1000/- not.

Are discover in house on 10/01/2017 so what I can do for his money please help me sir which branch I change and whats procedure for this please help me.

08193964259 call me i have same situation otherwise u tell me your no.

My contacts no. is 9904134597 sir.

I called RBI at Bangalore about policy of return of old Indian currency towards NRI. The person on phone didn’t answer whether Banglore office was accepting currency . Instead directed to me towards RBI govt site and to look for dec 31st 2016 NRI policy. It says NRI can return only rs5000 per week. I am here from USA only for a week in Karnataka and I have rs 90000. Please let me know what can I do. This is white money.

I Request for you Please open my sbi account number 35422597291 mera account stop bata raha hai please open my account Ram Naresh.

I want a complain for uco bank . I want a charge dispute but they are not give any respone and directly said that no charge dispute in our branch . My ac no. Is 02610110011133. And i will gives in branch and customer care refund refrence no. But his is not take any action . So please help me.

Sir i have 8,000 old currency notes, please tell me how do i exchange.

I was out of city till 31st December.


I want to exchange 500 notes.

I have Rs 25000/- old currency, which my mother saved for my marriage purpose. Unfortunately, we could not deposit it in the bank account before 31.12.2016. Kindly guide/inform me the process to deposit the old currency and also inform about the documents, which would be required to deposit the old currency.

My no 9873884770.

I am getting calls from this+919709140281number.

He said that he is from Mumbai head quarter and was asking my account number details. He said my account will will be blocked if don’t provided my information.

So here I am here providing you the contact number of the person who call the innocent people , get information of their account and hack.

So plz. Take needful action.

I want to exchange 500 notes my number is9881555531.

Hlo sir m 12feb ko India aa reha Hun mare pass 500 k purane note hai plz Muje bataye ki main in notes ko Kis traike se change kar sakta Hun Muje 9982980511 par bataye plz.

Sir I Have old currency of 20000 And i want to exchange money. So where i can exchange this currency?

Respected sir I’m naveen ekka 9752577772 please contact me .. I have some issues against banks SBI b. m.

I done a an NEFT to a Wrong account number of Rs 32500 and the money has been deducted , My bank Ubi told me that the amount is gone to suspense accounr , and rbi will be refund soon but still i didt got any single pie , the transaction was done on 19.01.2017. please help me, My Mobile no is : 9333907893 / 9732310549 A/c holder of UBI.

I done a an NEFT to a Wrong account number of Rs 32500 and the money has been deducted , My bank Ubi told me that the amount is gone to suspense accounr , and rbi will be refund soon but still i didt got any single pie , the transaction was done on 19.01.2017. please help me, My Mobile no is : 9333907893 / 9732310549 A/c holder of UBI.

Sir I want to exchange my 500 notes I have only one note.

sir, my amount came to indian from cap town western union bank. but check does not clear for 2 month. plz inform to me sortly. iam waiting.

sir my name is vijay baburao londhe.

e-mail id [ protected] i have received one mail that mail is it right or wrong please tell me sir.

The Foreign Exchange Transfer Department (RBI) hereby brings to your attention that we have.

receive an Lottery/Inheritance amount of £500,000.00 Pounds Awarded to you by the United Nation’s.

Life Insurance As your Address were shortlisted as the beneficiary in the recent schedule for.

payment, which is yet unclaimed due to some circumstance according to your file record. Your.

payment is categorized as: Contract type: Lottery/Inheritance/Undelivered Lottery fund/ was recently.

deposited with the Government of the Reserve Bank of India on the 6 October 2016 The Reserve Bank.

of India (RBI) Governor, Dr Urijit Patel and Ban Kin-moon Secretary-General of the United Nations.

met with the Senate Tax Committee on Finance RBI Mumbai/Delhi branch regarding your unclaimed.

fund which have been due for a long run. At the end of the meeting (RBI) Governor, Dr Urijit Patel.

mandated that all unclaimed funds to be released back to the beneficiaries stating that it is an unfair.

practice to withhold funds in government coffers for one reason or the other. e. g., tax accumulations.

Therefore, we are writing this to inform you that your fund (Rs. 4Crore 75 lakhs.

40,330.48/-INR) will be released to you in your Name, as it was Committed to (RBI) Governor Bank to.

the Beneficiary please get back to us with immediate effect via [ protected]

for verification prompt collection of your fund. Please make sure you provide us your bank account.

below without any mistake.

Beneficiary’s Branch Name:

Beneficiary’s Bank Name :

Beneficiary’s Account Type.

Beneficiary’s Account No. :

Beneficiary’s Branch Ifsc Code:

Beneficiary’s Mobile Number:

Beneficiary’s Home Address:

Beneficiary’s Identity Proof:

Send details to our director via ID:[ protected] is an Agreement/Contract.

between the Reserve Bank of India & United Nation’s Life Insurance is that your fund deposited with.

us is 100% guarantee to be transfer to your bank account with immediate effect.

Banco de Reserva da Índia.

Foreign Remittance Department,

6, San sad Marg, New Delhi – 110001,

this is Fake… don’t reply back on these type mails… t.

sir i have old note of 1000rs, can i deposit my old note? RBI raipur refuse to deposit my old note. plz give me right suggestion.

I have an amount of 14000Rs of 1000rs note & 500rs note, i want to exchange it, if i come to RBI to exchange these notes it will exchange or not. Its important for me to exchange it. I heard that the last date to exchange the note is 31st march 2017, is it real that the date is expended..

Plzzz rply me should i come to exchange these notes…

Sir drawn on our bank in 2000, not picking up.

Sir drawn on our bank in 2000, not picking up.

my mobile no 9492398011.

Saturday 11, February, 2017.

Sub: Soliciting Certain Important in formations.

Please give me the Confirmation of Personnel serving at Reserve Bank of India (RBI) & Authenticity of Winning of Compensation payment GBP: 500000.00 in favor of me.

1) Mr. Randi Donald, Directorate of International Payment & Transfer, Internet Banking Unit(Delhi), RBI, Given Tel: +91 – 9015533542, Mobil: 919015533542, E-mail: [ protected] (Who is associated with my GBP: 500000.00 Compensation payment Swift Transfer to my given Bank Account( at Bangladesh) weather he is serving there, it is true/false? He is now asking me to deposit BDT: 3, 98,400.00 for issuance of COT CODE from the Ministry of Finance (as per his version). If it is a fact then being a poor retired employee I have no capacity to manage the mentioned amount of money, in this respect to whom I should appeal for the waiver of that mentioned fee?.

2) Is there any person named as Mr. Ranjit Singh, Director Payment Specialist Dpt /Forex Dpt. Reserve Bank of India?

‘Payment Specialist Department/Forex Dept’ –: [ protected]

Please inform me the above mentioned subjects very urgently in my given e-mail address.


Mobile: +880 -1711232810,

Transfering my money. from. rbi. to my sbi account. In vapi. gujarat india pin 396191.

I transferred rs 10000 on 05/02/2017 ICICI bank to SBI bank but it was not received my SBI account …And my amount has been debited from ICICI account . now how can I recovery my money.

My transaction ID 703611543006.

This amount has been sent by BHIM aap.

i had some money in my bag of new currency 2000 notes it got spilled by the ink pad . pls let me know how can i change my newcurrency. contact me at [ protected]

I have five 500 old notes. I call RBI KOLKATA issue Department but he told me exchange stop now. Now what do? Last date of exchange in RBI KOLKATA. Please answer my call 📞 9475129586 .

What documents are needed to exchange 5000Rs. In RBI chandigarh .

Sir iI have single currency of there is possibility of exchange. If the way suggest me anyone how can.

Sir, I have Rs.500 old currency note of total Rs.4000/-, which my mother had saved, now I would like to exchange, please guide me how to exchange.

I found my old notes of rs.- 500/- total amount as.- 5000/-, hidden in a file / folder after 31.12.2016.

Till the time of 31.12.2016, I have not changed any notes (Old).

How I can change these notes, I am a residential citizen of India not a NRI.

sir my mathar saving old curncy. 17500.

how is document pls riplay me 7777998477.

Sir, I have old currency of 2000(1000+500+500) is there any possibility of exchange. please suggest me how can .

At the time of exchanging i was at out of country. if anyone guide me so it could be great help for me.

Sir, I have got Rs.500/- 8 notes total amounting to Rs.4000/-, which my mother had saved, now she is no more, the same has to be got exchanged, RBI at Bangalore did not accept, hence pl. let me know how to solve.

mOBILE. nO. 9845825511.

Sir jai hind main ek army person hun or Shillong m posted gun. Sir meri Maa Jo ki 26/02/2012 ko expired ho gai thi unki almirah ke locker se 20/2/2017 ko 14000/ 500/- ke old note mile . aap batayen m kaha par jakar or kya kya documents lekar Jane se exchange /deposits ho jayenge. Plz mujhe batayen meri leave 15 march tak h. Uaske baad mujhe unit m report karna hoga. Jai hind8.

Sir i have 500 /- 8 notes while transport the home luggage’s i got it but today i go RBI fr exchange bt they refuse it…bt in notes board there is written tht it is acceptable till the end of march ….plzzzz help sir i m belonging frm poor family…my no is 9764989333.

Senhor. I have note. Of 500*4.

Acttually my mom is hidden this note on some where & forgotten.

&then they meet me i want to exchange.

Can i exchange note pls informe me.

is this a forum to raise complaints or people do get resolutions too.

I want to complaint against a guy who is asking for agents who can exchange the old currency with new one where can I lodge a complaint against him being anonymous.

Sir l have old note of 500 ka 10 note has actually my mother keep on place and forget and now meet this note.

But l change this note.

Please information me.

This my contact no 9453619408.

Hello sir I have old 5note of 500. Actually my mother keep on place n forget that about to exchange them and today she found on that place. And I want to exchange these 5 note. So pls inform me on my id/ contact no.

O meu número de contato. -9457463695.

Hello sir my mother forget 5 note of 500 in my home and now we found that days why I want to exchange these 5 note. So pls inform me on my id/ contact no.

O meu número de contato. -9457463695.

Sir my name is Danish ahmad I am from akola and today 5/3/2017 my mother got Rs12000 of old 1000 rupees currency notes n i want to change this but i don’t know the procedure so you can tell me now what i can do and please tell me a procedure.

Sir my name is Danish ahmad I am from akola and today 5/3/2017 my mother got Rs12000 of old 1000 rupees currency notes at my home n i want to change this but i don’t know the procedure so you can tell me now what i can do and please tell me a procedure.

Sir, Myself and my wife traveled to Australia (Brisbane) on 09.11.2016 on 3-month tourist visa to visit our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. We returned to India on.01.02.2017. My wife had 6nos Rs.500 notes and 1no. Rs.1000 note kept in our hometown in India could not be exchanged before 30.12.2016. RBI Bangalore person refused (during my visit to Bangalore on 04.03.2017) for the exchange despite the proof of visa, e-tickets and passport stamping at Bangalore & Brisbane. Kindly help me to exchange the above notes. Please inform to my e-mail ([ protected]) or to my mobile no.9449271162.

Sir are there any chance that i can still get the old notes exchanged ?

I have got 10000 in old currencies.

Por favor me guie.

I am frm pune, Maharashtra.

I am getting mail in the name of RBI. Isso é.

false s… don’t reply those mails…

Can iI deposit s 500 note in RBI as m not nri.

Bank of India darbhanga rejected to deposit coins in my loan account. Where we deposit coins?

i have hdfc bank cc a\c at utc building, ring road, surat. i was inform your hdfc bank utc building branch for my cc will close as on 13.01.2017 & after i was closed my cc limit as on 15.02.2017 i was completely paid your cc amount as on 15.02.2017 & after 3 times i was gone your hdfc bank utc branch for my property paper release & i meet bank manager & chirag pistoliya rm at branch & naresh ji senior of chirag pistoliya but they all with bank manager my property paper not releasing for reason on demand for four clouser charges on cc limit 4% but this is not applicable for renewal i was last 8 year hold my cc a\c in your branch. for a\c close matter of my cc a\c not approved by head office.

above matter i have consult my legal advisor & above charges is not made on my cc a\c fou four closer so plese solve above matter & release my property otherwise i will take legal action against hdfc bank at utc building, ring road, surat.

i have replaced i n 1000 rs old currency note in exchanged in rbi office in mumbai branch so i will give the information to i will exchanged in this note in rbi office.

I have same situation. how can i exchange my old notes in New notes. pls tell me.

My contact no is 9027499509.

Can any body help me, i am not NRI, how can i exchange my old currency.

There is not any response from RBI below mail/contact no from Delhi .

Contact No - 23710538-42, 23711250.

Pls sir, let me know how can I get money which is transfer from UK(Switzerland) 50,000 pound but they demand more than 2 lakh rupees as charge on this money and after paying this charge they will release COT code COT code means charge of transfer but I can not pay that much high amount it is impossible for me, pls give me some solution sir immediately.

Help me I have some damaged money. how to I exchange this money from reserve bank of india. sum of 5 notes of 2 thousand that I have and I want to change them.

सर मेरा खाता यूको बैंक केरु मे है बैंक मे मुझे atm or चेक देने से मना कर रहे है वे लोग RBI का हवाला दे रहे है मेरा खाता न:-1305.11087…. ये है अतः मुझे ये सब दिलाने की कृपा करे।

Some one withdrawal amount of 5000 from my sister atm from mumbai thane on date 22-02-17 i contact branch and police station also but got no help from bank plz contact will explain .

I have ask SBI to trafer my loan from LIC to sbi but due to hidden charges i have refuse it but now they have hold my account/money with heavy panality. please look into the matter and help for this unnecessary demand.

Pls help me sir/madam.

Can I exchange my old 500,and 1000 notes now.

Pls help me sir/madam.

I have some 500,and 1000 notes unfortunately. can i exchange my notes now.

Pls help me sir/madam.

I have 1000*5 old notes unfortunately. how can i exchange my notes. pls guide me.

My mob no and id is.

Hi, Recently my mother has went to RBI – chennai to exchange old 500 notes for R. s 20000. They have asked mail her bank account statement to [ protected] . That lady assured once received the they will deposit amount within 1 week. But now almost more than a month still amount is not credited. Even they were not replied . I don’t know where to contact whom to contact. This seems RBI robbing hardly earned money from citizen.

Pls help me sir…..jasvirsingh8427342940 can i exchange my 500 1000 rs…pls tell me sir.

I deposited currency notes 500/1000 in kolkata rbi on 3-3-017 after return from UK vide rt. no. 2492.yet to get the money. pl. inform the position.

mera name shaikh irshad ahmed, h sir ( 27-01-2017 ) ko main ne Rs.1000 ki 09 Note (Rs,9000) jama karai.

( RBI ) Mumbai me counter number B-55 signature pooja pednekar ke pass jama kiye h,

sir mere pass ( RBI MUMBAI ) ki Resipt h.

lekin sir ab tak mere Account par Transfer nahi hue.

sir jab 500/1000 ki note band huee thee tab main Dubai me tha…

sir mujko apni padai ki fees bharni h so plz,,sir Help me.

My account number is –

I have deposite the collection of bussiness in syndicate bank but they have not deposite the 10rs coin…… My account no is Cc. 80911400000563 name of Gupta General Store Kangra (H. P.)… But RBI have announced the deposite of 10rs coin in bank account….but they have ignore the following instruction….branch manager is saying kya hum apne ghar leke jayenge….

Pls help sir I have 1000 and 500rs note above twenty thousand … how can change sir. pls tells.

i have been searching for the rbi contact delhi gujarat and now i found that on this article thanks for that.

I have deposited my money to RBI Mumbai branch on 10 Feb 2017 but uptil now I didn’t get the money and I can’t find out the id of Mumbai branch or any other way to contact plz help.

My number: +91 9776984786.

I came back to india on 01/05/2017. And having 5000/- old indian currency note. pls guide as to how to exchange.

Hamare area ke sare banks, hotel, petrol pump etc. and sare rout dwara coin1,2,5,10 rupess ko accept nahi Kiya ja Raha hai. Jiske chalte bahut problems create ho Rahi hai.

Please sir is problems ka saloution Kiya jay . Sir is problems ke saloution ke liye thanks .

मेरा खाता 30***500544 SBI सिनेमा रोड हरदोई मे है। 07-05-2017 को मैने 4 ATM मे रुपये निकालने के लिए कोशिश की लेकिन उनमे रुपये उपलब्ध नही थे। 5वे ATM से रुपये निकले। RBI की गाइडलाइन के अनुसार 5 से अधिक लेन-देन होने के कारण मेरे खाते से 57.50 रुपये काट लिये गये।

मेरी विनती है कि या तो ATM के डिस्प्ले पर लिखा हो कि इस ATM मे रुपये नही है या फिर रुपये न निकलने पर उस Transaction को count न करे।

मेरा मो०न० +918005482755.

Sir, i received a mail from Nokia co. there i got some prize money and RBI bank demands the administration fees Rs.14000INR…is it true or….?

Dear Harekrishna Maity,

We are glad to inform you that your funds will be transferred to your account through the Reserve Bank Of India (RBI). This is to inform you that Processing Manager (Mr James Gibson) has been assigned to visit your country (INDIA) and co-ordinate with the RBI to get your winning funds transferred successful to your account. The Processing Manager will arrive (Indira Gandhi International Airport) in New Delhi tomorrow morning and will proceed to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to co-ordinate with them to get your funds transferred to your nominated account. All these details has being sent to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and they will also get in touch with you directly immediately the Processing Manager summit your file. Also to inform you that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked you to pay for the Administration Fee of Rupees 13,950 INR. This Administration Fee comprises of Registration Fee Rupees 10,000 INR, Foreign Exchange Stamp Duty 2,000 INR and Clearance Fee Rupees 1,950 INR. So the total is Rupees 13,950 INR. To avoid any delay, we advise that you keep Rupees 13,950 INR ready and send scan copy of your PHOTO ID, One Passport Size Photograph and Your Bank Account Information to the Processing Manager on his ( [ protected] ) before the Processing Manager arrives India tomorrow morning, to enable him fulfill the normal procedures of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). You are to pay the RBI charges to them as per instructed by RBI. Immediately the Processing Manager Arrives India he will contact you and proceed to the Reserve Bank of India. Attached to this mail is Dr. James Gibson ID Proof Copy.

Note: The Processing Manager can only proceed to your given residence address after the full and final transfer from the RBI along with all the Vital documents to be given to you. We advise you keep your Reference Number NPDC - 0982275. Batch Number NUK QY-5LK9. Ticket Number 86-MXFM. Serial Number 328 Secret and Confidential until our Processing Officer arrives your door step for a maximum security of our agent and yourself.

Please note that the RBI will demand for the list charges below:

Registration Fees: 10,000 INR.

Foreign Exchange Stamp Duty: 1,000 INR.

Clearance Fee: 2,950 INR.


London, England, UK (LHR Heathrow) 7:25 PM.

New Delhi, 8:20 AM.

BA257 London to Delhi departing 7:25 PM arriving 8:20 AM (+1 day)

According to the flight information booked by this company, the flight will arrive in New Delhi from where our Processing Manager will contact you first then head towards RBI to co-ordinate the transfer of your funds. Also attached to this mail is the copy of the Passport of Dr. James Gibson for you to recognize him. If you have any Comment or Questions, call our Customer Care Department on: +44-8719749403, +44-8719159813 for more clarification. Thanks and we hope to hear from you soon.

I would like to know the status of my money which i have deposited on Match 16, 2017 at RBI, Chennai. The manager, Mr. Krishna, who received my application and the money worth of INR 78,000 and told me which will be deposited after 45 days once the KYC verified, today is 63rd day, i did not received my money in any of my bank account so far.

whom i should contact? por favor me ajude.

I zarina begam deposit sbns 29000 on 27feb at rbi new Delhi recipet no 6898.

But I have not received any credit in my account till now.

Why I am not credited? Please let me know the status.

Whom I should contact.

I want to know the status about the sbns 29000 which I have deposited rbi new Delhi 27 feb. receipt no6898.

Por favor me ajude. Whom I should contact.

Sir my name isAnkit Kumar and someone has sent me money from RBI Mumbai the name of that person​ who sent me money is Mr. johnson and he is saying that I have to pay some money to get my cash so should I payment or not and please also check that someone is there for transfer or not because I get the from RBI and they send me a link by which I have to complete the transfer but there is option of swift code for that transfer and he is saying I have to pay money for that so please inform me it’s very important for me.8171228282.

I got a call from 7549290367 informing that he is from RBI and need my bank / debit card details. When i asked the details he disconnected the phone. Pls note he is trying to get details of my bank account. pls look in to this. Obrigado.

I am abdul qadir from jalesar etah u. p 207302.

I am unhappy from s b i bank.

Mera account band kardiya hai bolte hai.

Hamne kuch nahi kiya r. b.i bank se black list hai |

Mera account no. college me hai.

Assim . Mera Scholar bhi ruka hai.

My account number (31933781426)

So please my help.

My mobile number 7417071703.

My Complaint is against a shop. I went there today to get one adhaar Card correction form. They asked for Rs.2. So when i pay them that Rs 2. They denied to accept Re 1 coin which is new and smaller in size (newer one). And arrogantly said change the coin if you want to get the form. As because didn’t had any coin left so left that shop without completing my task. So, now i need to know what exactly happening and what to do now. Its just pathetic and harrsing.

Contact Number:- 9830566414.

Shop Name:- S. P. Communication.

Address:- 1/1, West Ghoshpara Road, Kankinara, Jagatdal, West Bengal 743126.

Contact No.:- 93307 13828.









MOBILE NO. 7665506666.



Dear Concern, I had submitted a request letter to refund of my reversal amount Rs. 15,146/- refunded by insurance company but till now my amount had not credited in my account while my amount had been reversed to concern intermediary. A long time had been passed on. Till date settlement had not done while i applied on 03/03/2017 for refund. Request you please do the needful. Please go though trail mail, i followed up from a long time but no body can reply neither my bank can support me. Request you please settled this case & refund my premium.

ARN Number -30000170427039151331445.

Pravin ramji sanghar.

HI, I’m Nanda from malaysia want to clarified few things whether this UCO BANK Amritsar, is merge with other bank or closing down please reply me asap.

Complain Description: In between 10/06/2017 to 12/06/2017, i received a call on my mobile no. 9759607537 from 7321923128 and 8001746344 the person said that i am calling from SBI Bank, this call is related to your SBI Debit Card and it has been blocked and asked the card details(Card No., Exp. Date, CVV) along with OTP received on mobile. As I was not aware about the online shopping procedures so I provided all the information alongwith OTP to the same person. After giving the details. I received a SMS of purchase but couldnt figure out that amount has been debited from my Bank account. After updating passbook on the 12 June 2017 I got to know that Rs. 95881/- is deducted from my SBI bank account no. 33610545324 of Branch Bajana, Mathura, U. P.

not copate bank.

Sir, in our dist. nobody is accepting ₹. 10 coin nor shopkeepers or nither banks what would We do. If it is valid then why no one is accepting.


Sir My Mobile No. is 9650579260.

I am a defense pensioner and regularly tax is deducted monthly by the SBI. However, the tax amount is not reflected in my account. Also SBI is not issuing me details of salary, tax exemption under 80cc and tax paid for the financial year for submission of IT return and claim for refund if any. It is the responsibility of pp branch to provide all relevant papers by end of April each year. Because, the customer can’t get all this information from passbook or Form 16. In case it is not possible tax deduction should be stopped from pension account henceforth. Accordingly Cppc must be instructed.

2. It has also been observed that tax deduction from pension accounts is not being done in respect of pensioners drawing pension from some of the bank like Central Bank, UCO, Canara Bank and many other Banks. Therefore, I would like to suggest that tax deduction from pension by SBI should discontinue with immediate effect like other Banks. The responsibility to prefer IT return rest on individual as usual. Please confirm reply. Obrigado.

HDFC bank has paid the bill of more than 200 persons through my credit card. Amount is 77.5 thousands. They say that they have taken my consent on phone to do so. It has been done through smart pay. But I not know about smart pay and have never applied for smart pay facility.

Even after repeated complains to OBO Patna, they advice me to go to court and OBO has closed my complain. Now what to do.

Also the scene between her, her ex boyfriend and Cruise in the diner was very funny.

Vijay bank account number 731407711000001.

i am Vijay Hiralal Kotiya holing bank account with VIJAY BANK since more than 20 years . all the services has been given by bank in veraval location that’s the great i really appreciate it till date . but now onwards new manager whos transferred from BIhar location to veraval loaction recently i am fed up with the services, tone of manager, duties there response against the customers is not proper , i think he needs some training pls provide them,

recently one incident happened with us. i want inform you that we have requested for education loan for my son Master degree . as per instruction and guidance given by bank manager Mr amit, we have submitted all the require docs and paper works in the month of june 2017.initially he has asked certain stamp paper that also we have incurred 2000Rs approx and submitted to that branch manager Mr AMIT . later on he said due to some heavy works and auditing require some time will process it within 2days maximum as he is aware about account turnover and all, therefore he said acknowledgement should collect after few day , as per the timeframes given by him we visited branch when we visited branch he said works is in progress and he asked to submit one more docs to get benefit under govt. scheme, we happily said sure will submit on next day,

when we enter in the branch next day we surprise bank manager has been changed new one was there, when we asked abt our education loan status what he replied he dont know said contact to that manager who has taken your request as he isn’t aware , we politely said sir we have been given timeframe accordingly we came here for status, he said mr amit has been transfer in jaipur location talk with that manager as for the same he isnt liable to do pending work of previous manger. We tried to call Mr. amit but he isnot picking our call and once call was connected he said he already informed to the new manager and he will do it hence we asked to the new manager what he said in rude manner that he wants 1.5 months approx to process education loan , this is service of vijaya bank?? He said collect your docs and visit after 1.5months otherwise he isn’t liable for losing of docs We simply taken our docs back ,

lastly, I tried to connect regional office Ahmadabad location miss. Sonali who is manager , I m in touch with her, firstly she’s said we are not giving loan for master degree later on she’s said let me check and call back . shes called and confirm shes need to speak with the veraval branch bank manager, but he was on leave today.

now, I requesting you to please take some appropriate action against the bank employee and help to get education loan as soon as possible bcoz my son university last date for submission of fees is 28th of august before that if its not happed than my son career will spoil.

I hope your reply soon.

Vijay hiralal kotiya.

500ke purane08noat hai Kiya kare.

500ke purane08noat hai Kiya kare.

I made 2 RTGS yesterday. One of Rs 5 Lakhs and another of Rs 10 Lakhs. The same has still not been credited to the Beneficiary account. Por favor ajude.

Dear sir i m SANJIT KUMAR MISHRA. My account no is 4127000100567441. Pnb. My debit card is block without my permission. So plzz plzz help me. 9555702153.

I am raushan chaudhary sir main ak Dukandar ke pass gaya usko main do ka sikka diya to usne nahi Liya aur bola nahi chalta hai so sir please confirm.


don’t send him/her any money & any account details.. they are completely fake.. ignore these type mails.

I am vaishnav kalia in punjab gurdaspur v p o kalanaur.

Sr kalanaur city ma 10 Rd ki coin koe very shop wala ne la rehabilitation kita ha ke ha 10 ka coin ban hi gear ha.

Sr ager kush kt sata ha to polige contact me.

RBI bank మన దేశంలో దరిద్ర బ్యాంకు నా కొడుకులు మన account లో 100 200 చిల్లర ఉన్నాయి అనుకో sms ఛార్జ్ నా బొంగులా ఛార్జ్ అని నా మడ్డ కిదా ఉన్న డబ్బులు మొతం కట్ చేసుకుంటున్నారు అదే నా బొంగు విజయమాల్య బ్యాంకులకు డబ్బులు ఎగకోటిన వాలని ఏమి పికలేదు ఎంత సేపు ఉన్న పేద ప్రజల నుంచి డబ్బు ఎలా వసూలు చేయాలో ఎలా ఇబ్బంది పేటలో ఆలోచిస్తారు

Please call me back its urgent.

hapur city me ek city shine finance company he Jo RBI se reg. bata rahi he uska reg. no. he B-14, 03253.

so please sir ye bataye ki ye company reg. he ki nahi please sir reply me.

I would like to know highest charges that back can charge if im not using my Zero balance saving account for 2 years.

Sir, I got a phone call from a woman who told me. I have got the lottery. And he is speaking to the Reserve Bank of India. I am not that woman Let me Mo. – 72102555 and second no. Which is coming to me from this morning. I’m speaking to 24600.00. His mo – 83758 9 565 if the lottery is open. So please cut 24600.00 and please give me the balance.

My account number is –

Account No. 34925983996.

IFSC Code SBIN0030251.

Account Holder Name Onkar Vishwakarma.

Bank Branch Deep Complex Rewa M. P.

My mo 8871257745 will be waiting for your phone. Please tell the truth. Obrigado.

मैने चोलामंडलम फाईनेंस चैन्नई के खाते मे जो HDFC BANK मे 18500(10000+8500) रुपये 31अगस्त 2017 को जमा बैतोर UPI id [ protected]k मे जमा क अपनी कार लोन के किस्त के करवाये पर चोलामंडलम इसे इन्कार कर रहा जबकि मेरे खाता सख्या 3546484057 सन्ट्रल बैक आफ ईन्डिया सिरसा हरियाणा से कट चुके है ।ये सारे सबुत बैक पासबुक पुरी करवाके मेल से भेज चुका हुँ ।

फिर भी कम्पनी मान नही रही ।इसबारे मैने कम्पनी के HDFC BANK , Chennai के खाते की 31अगस्त 2017 की स्टेटमैंट मागी जो जानबूझ कर उपलब्ध नही करवाई जा रही ।मेरी किस्त जमा हो चुकी है पर कम्पनी जबरदस्ती दोबारा लेना चाहती है ।

उपरोक्त कम्पनी के खिलाफ उचित कार्यवाही की जावे तथा मेरी राशि दिलवाई जावे ।

में अमेरिका एक साल रहकर वापस इंडिया आया तब अहमदाबाद एयर पोर्ट पर मेरे पास जो पुराने नोट थे वो दिखाके सर्टिफिकेट लिया था. बाद में मुंबई जाकर आर. बी. आई. में २० जून २०१७ को पुराने ५०० के १६ नोट जमा करवाया और डिपार्टमेंट ने बी – २० नंबर से acknowledgement रिसीप्ट दिया मगर ०४ जुलाई २०१७ तक मेरे खाते में ८००० रूपया जमा नहीं हुवातो मेने ०४ जुलाई २०१७ को रजिस्टर ऐ. डी. से आर. बी. आई. को लैटर लिखा और जानकारी मागी कब मेरी रकम मुझे मेरे खाते में जमामिलेगी मगर आज २४ सितम्बर २०१७ तक कोई जवाब नहीं मिला जब की १० जुलाई २०१७ को खत आर. बी. आई. मुंबई पहुचगयाथा.

I have made FD in State bank of India for 18 months, but they paid less amount of instt from print on FDR.

On request with bank, but avoid to reply.

Pl. guide me to get difference of instt amount.

Sir pls help my mobile number 9153183896 award winning prize mony my home bankaccount numbar 11064075823bongaon ifcsbin 0000047pls dipojit my oll winning mony or male mondalsanitarymarble Gmail. Com please report 4.5croe.

sir last 6 months back my father deposited old notes in chennai rbi bank still now am not received in my fathers account so please do favour for this how much time it will taken. Please contact my fathers number 7396789975 please give me information for this.

Sir I have 500 old notes please tell me sir or exchange my note my no.

Sir look at this matter I want to filling patrol Rs.202. Indian oil M/S MANJULINKA FILLING POINT AT NIMASARAI MALDA IN West Bengal but fuel filling staff and Manager not acceptance only one piece 2 rupee coin. He said that I will be not accept coin advice of owner of patrol pump please take necessary action this matter.

Me bharat kumar mene mudhra Loan ke lia bank me apply kiya tha jo ki mere ko mudhra yojna ke antrgat bank dvara government garnater, tin. GST no. jmin ke documents, kya en sabhi documents mudhra Loan ke antrgat me aata hai mujhe mudhra yojna ke taht loan nahi diya ja raha hai.

Mai Ek shopkeeper hun or mere pass. Rs 1or 2 ka coin jama ho gaya hai or na he koye bank leta hai or na he koye customer leta hai aap he bataoo ke hmlog kya kare plz help me sir…..

sir my name is ROHIT KUMAR.

e-mail id [ protected] i have received one mail that mail is it right or wrong please tell me sir.

The Foreign Exchange Transfer Department (RBI) hereby brings to your attention that we have.

receive an Lottery/Inheritance amount of £500,000.00 Pounds Awarded to you by the United Nation’s.

Life Insurance As your Address were shortlisted as the beneficiary in the recent schedule for.

payment, which is yet unclaimed due to some circumstance according to your file record. Your.

payment is categorized as: Contract type: Lottery/Inheritance/Undelivered Lottery fund/ was recently.

deposited with the Government of the Reserve Bank of India on the 22/10/2017 The Reserve Bank.

of India (RBI) Governor, Dr Urijit Patel and Ban Kin-moon Secretary-General of the United Nations.

met with the Senate Tax Committee on Finance RBI Mumbai/Delhi branch regarding your unclaimed.

fund which have been due for a long run. At the end of the meeting (RBI) Governor, Dr Urijit Patel.

mandated that all unclaimed funds to be released back to the beneficiaries stating that it is an unfair.

practice to withhold funds in government coffers for one reason or the other. e. g., tax accumulations.

Therefore, we are writing this to inform you that your fund (Rs. 4Crore 75 lakhs.

40,330.48/-INR) will be released to you in your Name, as it was Committed to (RBI) Governor Bank to.

the Beneficiary please get back to us with immediate effect via [ protected]

for verification prompt collection of your fund. Please make sure you provide us your bank account.

below without any mistake.

Beneficiary’s Branch Name:

Beneficiary’s Bank Name :

Beneficiary’s Account Type.

Beneficiary’s Account No. :

Beneficiary’s Branch Ifsc Code:

Beneficiary’s Mobile Number:

Beneficiary’s Home Address:

Beneficiary’s Identity Proof:

Send details to our director via ID: [ protected] This is an Agreement/Contract.

between the Reserve Bank of India & United Nation’s Life Insurance is that your fund deposited with.

us is 100% guarantee to be transfer to your bank account with immediate effect.

Banco de Reserva da Índia.

Electronic transfer dept,6,sansad marg.

janpath, new delhi, h.o 110001.

I need ID form Mumbai RBI.

dear sir, I am Simon Fernandez from Tripura on 24th morning a mail came from Reserve Bank that I got money 4 lakhs 75 thousand as a fund so sir can you please check whether the money in my name has ome or not. Dear sir I kindly request you……

Sir Mera sbi ka BC le rhe Jo ki rbi tahat OD account Khul gya h Jo ki BC franchise wale Mera call nhi utha rhe h mujhe apne khate se paisa nikalna h please help me sir my contacts nu. 8853457990.

Sir Mera sbi ka BC le rhe Jo ki rbi tahat OD account Khul gya h Jo ki BC franchise wale Mera call nhi utha rhe h mujhe apne khate se paisa nikalna h please help me sir my contacts nu. 8853457990.

Can i exchange 1000/500 note yet?

dear sir plz read my all massg me verry upset for some compnys not solv my problm so plz help me.

dear sir plz read my old mails and resolv my problm and not any persn vist my office and not start any work , i have try many time call to him but they are not recving my calls and not vist any persn my office so plz chk and solv my problm .

(kindly tell me about my complaint otherwise i file a application against ur company for 420 with me. so plz take action in two or three days.

(i m very disappointed with itz company employees and way of working itz is big house i m not expecting these type of things from this company now i m loosing faith in this company and i dont want to continue with itz )

pls refund my security and ids amt asap.

pls consider this letter as my resignation from itz as distributor.

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 4:36 PM, ItzCash Customer Care wrote:

With reference to your mail we are sending your query to sales team for solution who will get in touch with you.

ItzCash Customer Care Team.

Contact us: 1860 266 5757.

Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 3:33 PM.

Subject: Resignation and Refund security.

i m distributor in ludhiana on name of manjit singh i have taken distribution ship of itz on dated and given security of 26000 and id cost for 5 ids amnt 14375 now 3 months has been gone no body has visited my place and no one is picking my phone me balram as well as mr bikram sharma at the time of agreement they Told me that we are giving u dhanalakshmi ( Jan lakshmi ) business in month of july 1 but now aug is about to end no working has been started i m very disappointed with itz company employees and way of working itz is big house i m not expecting these type of things from this company now i m loosing faith in this company and i dont want to continue with itz.

pls refund my security and ids amt asap.

pls consider this letter as my resignation from itz as distributor.


Comment:sir..Many person facing problem when not accepting small one rupees coin…

is there any official deceleration about bann of these coin..

is it exchanchable in bank..

pls provide me acject information about them..

my cont no is 7872396814.

The rumor has been that the Samsung Lotteries have been paid Rs 5,5660 once for Rs 11500, which is the repayment of the amount.

sir, facing problem with sbi virar east, dist-palghar, maharstra regarding my home lone its more than 3 to 4 months they even dont bother to reply any one of my snor they clarify me.

sir i have rs 10 coins, i am staying in kurnool dist andhra pradesh . please tell me where should i deposit this coins bankers are not taken rs.10 coins.

Sir I am from Satna Madhya Pradesh ..

And here shop keeper are refusing to take coin of 1,2 rs ………..

Is this any official announcement that it’s banned. if not I want your prompt action as soon as possible…..

Sir. R.B. I.A/c. department. me. Mr. Prakashrai. ke, thru, one, lakh, payment, kra, liye, hai, phir, bhi, mere fund, KA, paisa, payment, nahi, kiye. RBI(A/c.)Delhi.

Senhor. meri id m ek bbc ki taraf se lottery winning ka msg aaya h..jisme 5 lakh pound jitne ka msg aaya h.. kya yeh sahi h..

my contact number - 9761227381.

nhi .. kabhi bhi aise mag pr paisa ye account se related jaankari na share kare.. vo aapko paisa or account dono hack akr sakte hai..

Reserve Bank Of India [Rbi] — currency related matters - no. b-123 nri, cash department, rbi mumbai.

However, the said amount is yet to be credited to my account.

Looking forward for your reply and valuable advise.

Annaldas bharat v.

Mobile no. [protected] c/o v n annaldas.

Estado de queixa.

I was sent money from BHIM application but that was failed.

but not refunded in my in my account.

I was also call mahaconnect for complaint but no responce from maharashtra bank.

Bank account no-[protected]

Bank & Branch: union bank of India, Tirupur ssi.

Transaction date: 05.11.2017.

Publique seu comentário.

Atendimento ao cliente.

Related Complaints.

If you have an inquiry, or any constructive thoughts, creative ideas, and reasonable offers, please, contact us.

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